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BIM Coordinator

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Candidatul Ideal

BIM Role in Sade
The role of a BIM Coordinator is to develop, coordinate and promote the benefits of using technology and digital working methods.
Develop the BIM by SADE program through the deployment of digital solutions:
• Collect existing data with 3D scanning, photogrammetry, LIDAR, etc....
• Digital processing (3D) of existing structures and automatic construction of 3D models based on the actual information collected
• Set up collaborative platforms for the design and construction phase
• Set up 3D GIS with Arcgis (and Arcgis online) or other solutions
• Interface 3D model with GMAO & ERP
• Upgrade BIM model to Digital Twin in partnership with our innovation teams and start-ups at Station F and CEA Tech.
• Initiate and develop generative design for SADE installations and Simulation integrated with BIM-SIG
Competencies for the role:
• the ability to explain the relevant process in BIM development;
• the necessary knowledge for the configuration, execution and quality verification of projects realized in BIM software
• Is a pro-active person with a desire to continuously improve and enhance his/her knowledge of BIM and related technologies;
• must possess and maintain an exceptional work ethic, as well as uphold company values and demand the highest standard of conduct from self and others
• must possess good interpersonal skills, be very comfortable working effectively with a team, collectively
• ability to use time productively, maximize efficiency and meet work objectives
• ability to take on additional responsibilities as needed and determine and manage priorities with minimal direction
Qualification / Education
• Mandatory - Higher Education (Graduate of Engineering Univeristy)
• BIM technician graduate / Master BIM manager - is an advantage;
Practical experience
• Higher education in design (architecture, engineering)
• Proven qualification/experience - similar position - minimum 2 years
• Able to manage software products including, but not limited to, incorporating new releases, maintaining legacy software, and customizing software for specific project needs
• Able to implement additional supporting software for BIM
• Evaluate new BIM related software and technologies
• Autodesk Revit Office (Word, Excel)
• Python, C#
• Revit, Solidworks
• 3D Software
• English - Fluent (written, spoken) and French (if possible)

Descrierea jobului

• Responsible for the development and implementation of BIM workflow and for promoting the standard use of BIM ︁︀​︂︃︃​︉︉​︁︂︈and Revit throughout the company;
• Oversees the company-wide use of BIM/Revit software, including installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting BIM user issues;
• Contributes to the qualification and supervision of the day to day activities regarding working in BIM - BIM Coordinators / Team Leaders / Project Leaders;
• Provides support to each project team by (1) managing and creating content library files and templates, (2) creating and applying standards, and (3) evaluating project models;
• Supports project development by helping teams develop strategies for efficient delivery of quality documents and set up each project, ensuring that each project is set up correctly;
• Assess the level of BIM adoption at the organizational level - within the company;
• Develops and updates strategies and procedures for implementing projects in BIM;
• Assists and trains teams in the project configuration process;
• Provides assistance in the development of project logical areas;
• Manages and distributes coordinated digital documents to the project team;
• Assembles the composite design model (coordinator) - for coordination meetings;
• Check compliance with design and operational requirements and criteria in advance;
• Will facilitate meetings with BIM - Designers – Project manager;
• Ensure deliverables are provided in accordance with specified formats;
• Coordinate the teamwork for the two offices Paris and Bucharest;
• Coordinate BIM file exchange and archiving of reference documents;
• Ensure project deliverables are provided in accordance with specified formats.

Descrierea companiei

SADE Ingenierie ( Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies) este incepind din anul 1998 filiala in Romania a grupului francez SADE, acesta fiind lider mondial in conceptia si realizarea lucrarilor de tratare a apei fie ele municipale si industriale. Sade Romania este reprezentata de o echipa cu aproximativ 50 de ingineri in Bucuresti fiind capabila sa ofere o gama larga de servicii, de la inginerie la solutii complete la cheie in domeniul tratarii apei si apelor uzate cu peste 40 de proiecte atat in tara cat si international. SADE ofera expertiza in: • Proiectare-construire de stații de tratare a apei și a apelor uzate (15K-2MPE - proiecte la cheie). • Integrarea de soluții de tratare a apei de proces la pachet pentru companii industriale. • Supervizarea construcției și punerea în funcțiune a stațiilor de tratare a apei. • Furnizarea de servicii, echipamente și produse chimice pentru stațiile de tratare a apei industriale. Detalii suplimentare :;

Publicat 27 Sept. 2024 Reactualizat 5 Oct. 2024 Expiră 27 Oct. 2024
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