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Company Description

Infiintata in 1991 si detinuta integral de Grupul Michelin, Euromaster ofera solutii de mentenanta anvelope si servicii auto companiilor si clinetilor retail din intreaga Europa.

Euromaster este o retea europeana de top cu circa 10.000 angajati, 2300 centre de servicii (integrate si francizate, mix de retail, locatii de camion) si 2800 unitati mobile in 18 tari: Austria, Czech Republic, Lituania, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK.

De departe fiind o retea de specailisti n anvelope si servicii, Euromaster ofera o gama mare de servicii si skill-uri din domeniul reparatiilor de autoturisme si camioane si nu numai.

- Specializari/activiati: Premium, Mid-range and Budget Tyres, 24/7 Commercial Vehicle Breakdown, Tyre Management, Mobile Tyre Fitting, Tyre inflation, Fleet Inspections, Wheel Alignment, Servicing, Shock Absorbers, Exhausts, Batteries, Brakes, Nitrogen, Air Conditioning, eshop, ebooking;

- Vehicule: camioane, autoturisme, van, vehicule pe 2 rori, agro, gebiu civil, vehicule industriale.

Multumita retelei si angajatilor sai - expertiza, onestitatea si grija fata de fiecare client, Euromaster asigura mobilitate permanenta tuturor clientilor.

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