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Tender & Project Manager-Divizia Logistica

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Candidatul Ideal

  • 4 -5 years professional experience in warehousing & logistics activity
  • Good understanding of client profiles/needs and formulate requirements leading to adequate solution design.
  • Proven project management skills with an ability to manage workloads efficiently and in a timely manner;
  • Experience with design and logistics project implementation
  • Writing business proposals
  • Time management and working to tight deadlines
People Success Factors:
  • Delivering Results – drives and delivers performance against set goals;
  • Analytical Thinking– understands the customer need and requirement and design a proposal response based on that;
  • Customer Focus – understands our customer, constant focus on improving customer experience and makes decisions based on added value for the customer.
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, organisational and communication skill
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Planning, execution, monitoring, control and closure of the project
  • Good understanding of tender process management, requirements and dynamics
  • Aptitude for tender process management and customer/supplier relationship management
  • Leadership with ability to drive a tender process team

Descrierea jobului

  • Attract and implant valuable business based on established objectives. Objectives are agreed based on strategic direction and related to ︁︀​︂︃︃​︉︆​︆︄territory, timeline and set priorities;
  • Review contractual documentation, invitation to tenders term and conditions, assess contract risk in accordance with business policy, compliance requirements, identify appropriate qualification/ exceptions and support negotiation;
  • Devising a successful strategy for winning a bid, including pinpointing the unique selling points (key differentiators) understanding the clients’ specific requirements
  • Working with key members of the project team and the client organisation to obtain the information required to compile the tender;
  • Clarification of bid conditions and management of the tender preparation;
  • Contribution in cost and price calculations;
  • Lead on, write and project manage bids and proposals from beginning to end.
  • Responding to clients’ and other stakeholders’ queries before, during and after the bid has been submitted;
  • Responsible for the quality of all aspects of the tender, including written documentation;
  • Ensuring that tender is submitted on time and are as complete and accurate as possible, whilst also best reflecting the company services and abilities;
  • If the bid is successful, briefing the teams who will be involve into project implementation;
  • Define and the project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders;
  • Develop comprehensive project plans to monitor and track progress; to be shared with clients as well as other staff members
  • Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques;
  • Meet budgetary objectives and make adjustments to project constraints based on financial analysis;
  • Strong communicator, able to successfully manage multiple priorities for demanding internal and external stakeholders;
  • Optimizing and improving processes and the overall approach where necessary;
  • Overseeing the overall direction and management of projects;
  • To be able to identify aspects of the projects that can be delegated to other team members or departments.
  • Interact and co-operate with all members of the organization and its suppliers and customers.

Descrierea companiei

Xpediator Plc is a fast-growing international freight management company providing logistics and transport support solutions, exploiting the global growth demand for transportation services.

As a Group Xpediator Plc is committed to delivering dynamic supply chain solutions with a vision to become a leading international freight management and logistics provider through tailored world class customer service.

Xpediator has offices located throughout the UK and in nine CEE countries across 38 sites, the Group currently employs over 1,000 people and was successfully listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market in 2017.

Delamode Romania este o companie de top în domeniul serviciilor de logistică şi expeditii de mărfuri în România. Compania a fost înfiinţată în anul 1994 şi are în prezent peste 300 de angajaţi.

Cu facilităţi amplasate strategic si prin reteaua de parteneri în toată Europa, compania noastră oferă servicii complete de supply chain – servicii de transport internaţional în regim de grupaj, încărcări parţiale şi complete, distribuţie internă, transport maritim şi aerian, precum şi soluţii integrate de depozitare şi logistică.

Ne mândrim cu posibilitatea de a oferi servicii personalizate la preţuri competitive, furnizând servicii complete de supply chain în cele mai complexe situaţii. Grupul de Companii Delamode Grupul Delamode este o prezenţă de pionierat în Europa Centrală şi de Est de peste 20 de ani, şi oferă o expertiză unică în transportul internaţional de mărfuri. Grupul Delamode are peste 250 de angajaţi, cu birouri deschise în Estonia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Lituania, Serbia, Republica Moldova şi Marea Britanie.

Notificare GDPR :

Prin trimiterea CV-ului către adresele noastre de înregistrare vă manifestați ACORDUL EXPLICIT pentru procesarea datelor dumneavoastră doar în scopurile impuse prin legislația muncii. În conformitate cu Politica noastră de confidențialitate, DELAMODE ROMANIA prelucrează date cu caracter personal ale candidaților doar în scopuri reglementate prin Codul Muncii sau alte activități pentru care există un temei legal.

Publicat 26 Aug. 2024 Reactualizat 16 Sept. 2024 Expiră 25 Sept. 2024
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