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Procurement specialist - technology domain

Orange Romania
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

We are seeking for people who:
  • Have experience in Procurement Project Management, analytical and long term thinking
  • Demonstrated ability to think independently, deliver results and recommend best practices.
  • Meet deadlines and target for monthly/quarterly/annual deliverables
  • Are able to work in transversal projects and activities with different teams
  • Have very good negotiation skills and are able to gain clear agreement and commitment from others by persuading and convincing
  • Have very good planning and organizational skills
  • Ability to Deliver Results
  • Autonomy & proactivity
  • Customer focus
  • Have good communication skills and show flexibility in relation to other people

Professional background & qualifications:
  • University graduate
  • fluency in English
  • MS Office
  • minimum 2 years’ experience in sourcing, purchasing in IT&C/telecom/a related field
  • financial acumen and proven record in transversal projects
  • Knowledge of sourcing processes
  • financial knowledge
  • basic legal knowledge
  • knowledge of budgeting process (how to manage a budget, draw up forecast)
  • Sourcing Project Management
  • Sourcing techniques
  • Commodity expertise

Descrierea jobului

Job Purpose:to build, conduct and implement sourcing strategy and activities as per Group and company standards and procedures, within the ︁︀​︂︃︃​︇︉​︆︄budgeted costs (the assignment is done based on the sourcing category as mentioned bellow or per project)
Technology domains: hardware, software, licenses, installation and configuration services, maintenance and support

Main responsibilities:
A. Budget.
  • Contribute to budget optimization through sourcing actions aggregation and contractual terms (payment terms, reverse factoring).
  • Challenges budget need compared with suppliers’ quotations and checks budget availability
  • Reports and follow-up any budget modification in terms of projects in the sourcing roadmap
  • Early budget creation contributor, assuming potential savings are embarked.
B. Sourcing process.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams, and communicate with internal and external parties, while meeting tight deadlines. Proposes commercial solutions in order to optimize costs, participating in defining and implementing Company's Program (e.g Transformation)
  • Defines yearly/quarterly Sourcing Action Plan per domain.
  • Translate budgeted figures into sourcing actions - define sourcing plan
  • Identifies at group level/ Affiliates level all potential suppliers and existing feedback on eventual similar project deliveries
  • Leads sourcing process and proposes commercial solutions in order to optimize costs, participating in defining and implementing Company's Program (e.g Transformation)
  • Leads contract negotiation with Suppliers and edits contracts by incorporating all stakeholders’ comments and proposals
  • Evaluates sourcing projects/commercial offers, proposes a shortlist and makes final recommendations.
  • Negotiates commercial terms of the contracts: local or implementation of corporate sourcing contracts.
  • Participates in Orange Group acquisition activities (as RFP and frame contract concluding) related to the respective domain.
  • Prepares, centralizes and sends the needed information for Purchase Order issued in Oracle by Purchasing administrator.
  • Selects local suppliers when corporate contracts are not sufficient, using the local sourcing process.
  • Have recurrent business reviews with the supplier based on several parameters and regularly measure performance (QREDIC). Ensure compliance with deadlines and monitor contractual terms.
C. Group and Buyin cooperation
  • Issues Demand Plan report by aligning sourcing actions with budget plan.
  • Provides required data collection in terms of contractual clauses, volumes, pricing and project planning need to Buyin for the build of the project sourcing strategy
  • Checks the consistency of the Suppliers offers in terms of the negotiated corporate agreements
  • Prepares the targets for Buyin in terms of budget and needed commercial articles for Buyin lead projects
  • Analyze corporate offers related to company project and provides Buyin the preferred ranking from technical and commercial point of view
  • Responsible for commercial articles.
  • Issues together with Buyin the TDC presentations sustaining the local recommendation
  • Checks the Corporate sourcing contracts validity and demands prolongation conditions to Buyin
  • Performs market investigation per domain to be aligned with market trends and Supplier status.
D. Reporting
  • Prepares and fills in Demand Plan yearly and update it quarterly.
  • Issues presentations with RFI/RFQ results to be validated at Top management level
  • Prepares monthly reports regarding the savings, as per requested template being responsible to archive the savings calculation methodology and related documents for audit purpose.

Descrierea companiei

Orange este Liderul pieței de Telecomunicații Mobile din România. La nivel mondial, Orange Group este un furnizor important de servicii IT și telecomunicații pentru companii multinaționale din 220 de țări și teritorii.

Orange România este o companie certificată #TopEmployer, fiind recunoscută pentru condițiile excelente pe care le oferă angajaților.

La Orange, plasăm oamenii în centrul a tot ceea ce facem, în același mod în care responsabilitatea noastră socială și de mediu este esențială pentru strategia noastră. Deoarece echipele noastre sunt cel mai mare atu al nostru și pentru că operăm într-un sector în continuă evoluție, ne asigurăm că experiența angajaților noștri este una cât mai cuprinzătoare și mai plăcută, aliniată cu experiența pe care o oferim clienților noștri.

Bazându-ne pe strategia noastră corporativă și pe angajamentele noastre, suntem astăzi unul dintre principalii furnizori de servicii de telecomunicații și servicii digitale.

Brandul Orange a fost creat pentru a simplifica comunicarea umană, aducând astfel valoare comunităților în care activează.

Suntem o companie digitală care construiește viitorul conexiunii umane - Orange este ceea ce suntem și ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi.

Dacă vrei să contribui la experiența Orange, să fii parte dintr-o echipă sclipitoare și să beneficiezi de avantajele unui Angajator de Top, urmărește oportunitățile de carieră și înregistrează-te cu propriul tău cont pe Chiar dacă job-ul pe care îl cauti nu e deschis în prezent, având un cont activ la Orange, vei putea fi informat la timp despre noile oportunități.

Ți-ar placea să știi mai multe despre viața la Orange?

Te așteptăm pe!

Publicat 18 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 18 Oct. 2024 Expiră 17 Nov. 2024
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