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Camera de Comert si Industrie Romano-Germana (AHK Romania)
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

  • Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Kommunikation, Eventmanagement, Tourismus, Germanistik, Wirtschaft oder Ähnliches
  • Kenntnisse über das wirtschaftspolitische Umfeld;
  • freundlicher Umgang mit Kontaktpersonen am Telefon und im Direktumgang;
  • Erfahrung im Eventmanagement und/oder Projektmanagement strukturiertes, termingerechtes und ergebnisorientiertes Arbeiten;
  • schnelles Einarbeiten in neue Themenbereiche und Recherchefreudigkeit;
  • sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse sind vorausgesetzt; gute Englischkenntnisse sind erwünscht;
  • gute Kenntnisse des MS-Office Pakets und geübter Umgang mit neuen Medien

Descrierea jobului

  • Mitgestaltung und Organisation der Mitgliederveranstaltungen und anderen abteilungsinternen Projekten;
  • Tätigkeiten zur Akquise neuer Mitglieder, inkl. online- und Datenbankrecherchen nach ︁︀​︂︃︃​︈︃​︀potentiellen Neu-Mitgliedern;
  • abteilungsspezifischen Aktivitäten: Betreuung und Verwaltung der Mitglieder;
  • telefonische und schriftliche Beantwortung laufender Anfragen;
  • selbstständiges Abarbeiten der Verwaltungsaufgaben und Vorbereitung von Geschäftsterminen;
  • projektbezogene Tätigkeiten

Descrierea companiei

We are a team of enthusiastic people who like to develop new projects and ideas, where each member of the team shows his strengths and competences and fulfills his tasks responsibly!

For more than 20 years we have been a professional and reliable partner to our clients and stakeholders. Our expertise and competencies help us deliver quality and execute successful projects. We grow sustainably!

As part of a worldwide chamber network, significant business community in Romania and competent advisor, we promote bilateral economic relations and help our members, clients and partners to develop new potential for their international business.

The AHK Romania is the official representation of German business in Romania and the central engine for the development of German-Romanian economic relations which connects the business worlds of both countries.

As a service provider, we ensure professional support for companies from both countries in order to successfully and sustainably establish and expand business in the respective market.

Accompanying German companies on the Romanian market and Romanian companies on the German market, assisting them competently and objectively on site and contributing to the success of their activity in close partnership is our primary goal. No matter if the company wants to enter new markets, win new suppliers, establish additional production sites or develop its business locally.

As a member organization, we network our members with the aim of establishing trusting and long-term business relationships and, as the voice of German business in Romania, we represent the interests of local German companies and our member companies vis-à-vis official bodies and civil society with the aim of further developing bilateral economic relations and improving the economic framework conditions in Romania in the sense of a sustainable and competitive national economy.

We see ourselves as a dynamic and innovative business community with over 650 member companies, which develops its business on the basis of common values and makes a valuable contribution to the further development of bilateral economic relations.

More information can be found at: You can also find us on Facebook, LinkedIn/ ahkromania and YouTube.

Publicat 4 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 4 Oct. 2024 Expiră 3 Nov. 2024
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