Central Controlling Lead
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Candidatul Ideal
We are seeking for people who:
- Have good communication skills and show flexibility in relation to other people
- Have strong presentation skills, ability to summarize and transmit a powerful written message
- Can work in transversal projects and activities with different teams across company
- Have very good planning and organizational skills
- Strong process management and continuous improvement skills
- Demonstrated ability to think independently and recommend best practices
- Could see the big picture and is able to translate operational drivers into financial KPI’s
- Manage time effectively, focus on customers and have good management reporting skills
- Can work in a (sometimes) stressful environment and is able to respect deadlines
- Is enthusiastic, wants to have fun and creates new experiences within a great team
- This position requires at least 2 years of experience in Finance/Controlling/ Financial Reporting
- At ease with presentations and written communication
- Business analysis & modelling knowledge
- Reporting techniques (i.e. dashboard, reports, trends, graphs, etc.)
- Relevant experience in transformation projects
- Knowledge of end-to-end management cycle activities and processes
- Advanced level proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint is a must; good knowledge of digital visualization tools
- University degree in Finance / Economics / Business Data Analysis/ Business, or any similar discipline
- English and Romanian advanced verbal and written skills; French is considered a plus
Descrierea jobului
Areas of responsibilities:
- Coordination of major business as budget, strategic plan, high level forecast, etc.
- Key contributor in ︃︁︄︁︂︀︁︉︅major and transformation projects
- Transversal coordination with Controlling & Financial Planning teams and the commercial and operational teams across company to integrate and consolidate presentations by pre-flash, budget, strategic plan, board of directors, business review, country review, etc.
- Lead the benchmark exercise inside the team and at company level in coordination with Orange Group team
- Prepare budget processes and strategic plan by setting the activities plan, responsibles, deliverables, delivery dates, set the review process, prepare the communication plan, etc.at company level and inside the Controlling & Financial Planning team
- Follows the execution of plans for budget processes and strategic plan, anticipates and identifies deviations from the plan and proposes corrective measures; realize periodic status on processes
- Ensure communication with the teams and departments that contribute to the presentations of the management cycle both at the senior / top management level and at the contributor level of each department
- Coordinates the integration and transformation processes within the Controlling & Financial Planning team
- Review current processes and propose initiatives for improvement
- Supports the alignment of performance tools, budget and strategic plan, including digital and AI solutions
- Provides support within the governance for preparation of investment committees and steering boards
- Provide support for the business case construction for the major and transformation projects and follow-up the results against plans.
What’s in it for you
- Performance Bonuses – based on your results & the company’s;
- Loyalty Bonuses, if you extend your stay;
- Electronic Meal Tickets - as you imagine;
- Medical & Life insurance for you - facilities for your family, too;
- Professional GSM subscription.
- Personal GSM subscription, also [because we believe in communication!];
- Development Platforms - Orange Learning, Trainings, Career Counselling, Coaching & Career plan mentoring.
Other Info:
Process interview will have 3 stages and each stage is eliminatory:
- Interview with HM
- Test
- Interview with the team
Descrierea companiei
Orange este Liderul pieței de Telecomunicații Mobile din România. La nivel mondial, Orange Group este un furnizor important de servicii IT și telecomunicații pentru companii multinaționale din 220 de țări și teritorii.
Orange România este o companie certificată #TopEmployer, fiind recunoscută pentru condițiile excelente pe care le oferă angajaților.
La Orange, plasăm oamenii în centrul a tot ceea ce facem, în același mod în care responsabilitatea noastră socială și de mediu este esențială pentru strategia noastră. Deoarece echipele noastre sunt cel mai mare atu al nostru și pentru că operăm într-un sector în continuă evoluție, ne asigurăm că experiența angajaților noștri este una cât mai cuprinzătoare și mai plăcută, aliniată cu experiența pe care o oferim clienților noștri.
Bazându-ne pe strategia noastră corporativă și pe angajamentele noastre, suntem astăzi unul dintre principalii furnizori de servicii de telecomunicații și servicii digitale.
Brandul Orange a fost creat pentru a simplifica comunicarea umană, aducând astfel valoare comunităților în care activează.
Suntem o companie digitală care construiește viitorul conexiunii umane - Orange este ceea ce suntem și ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi.
Dacă vrei să contribui la experiența Orange, să fii parte dintr-o echipă sclipitoare și să beneficiezi de avantajele unui Angajator de Top, urmărește oportunitățile de carieră și înregistrează-te cu propriul tău cont pe orange.ro/jobs. Chiar dacă job-ul pe care îl cauti nu e deschis în prezent, având un cont activ la Orange, vei putea fi informat la timp despre noile oportunități.
Ți-ar placea să știi mai multe despre viața la Orange?
Te așteptăm pe orange.ro/jobs/life-at-orange!