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Territory Manager - Electronics Distribution

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

An opportunity has opened for a proven Sales Professional to join a Private Equity owned, UK Headquartered, Electronics Distribution & Service Provision Business.
  • Substantial relevant experience within the Electronics or Service Orientated environment, ideally gained within a Distribution business.
  • Knowledge of Passive & Active Electronic Components is an advantage, but full product training will be provided.
  • Degree level education or similar.
  • Confident and capable of conducting business Internationally.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to motivate and influence a strong Executive Group.
  • Excellent Communication and negation skills.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.

Job Description

  • Through face-to-face meetings and a constant focus, improve relationships with our Strategic Romanian and Eastern European Customers, leading to the identification of new ways to collaborate and new business operations.
  • The Project Management of Vendor Managed Inventory Solution implementations and the subsequent overseeing of the weekly replenishment operations. Gold Level Performance.
  • Improved Market Research and on the ground intelligence gathering and reporting.
  • The proactive contacting of new prospective customers leading to company presentations and the generation of fresh opportunities.
  • The day-to-day management of all customer interfaces for our growing list of Eastern European Customers.
  • Negotiation of all Customer contracts with support from Leadership / Purchasing / legal / finance.
  • Working with the Business Development & Account Management functions across Europe to create innovative and compelling commercial proposals that will lead to an increase in overall market share across the region.

Company Description


Cu o prezență de peste 25 de ani pe piața românească de resurse umane, PROHUMAN APT (fost APT Resources & Services) este prezent în avangarda primilor 3 furnizori de servicii complexe de HR din România.

Strategia PROHUMAN APT se concentrează pe dezvoltarea proactivă a pieței muncii, pentru care identifică, pregătește și oferă specialiști competenți, absolvenți sau studenți cu potențial. Noi aducem omul potrivit la locul potrivit. Cu un palmares de peste 15.000 de angajări, acoperim cele mai căutate domenii, cu focus pe BPO, finanțe-bănci, IT&C, inginerie, retail, auto-motive.

Adresa: Str. Aviator Popisteanu, nr. 54A, sector 1, Bucuresti; email: office@prohuman.ro; phone: +40 21 222 13 03

Autorizație de muncă temporară: seria B nr.0000012/11.11.2015 înregistrată în Registrul Național de Evidență a Agenților de Muncă Temporară la poziția 7

Autorizație de prelucrare date cu caracter personal :18638

PROHUMAN APT se angajează să vă protejeze datelele dumneavoastră cu caracter personal. Detalii despre prelucrarea datelor dvs. de către APT puteti gasi pe www.prohumanro.

Published Dec 20, 2024Updated Dec 20, 2024Expires Jan 19, 2025
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