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Ideal Candidate


Ești zâmbitor, energic si organizat? Îți dorești să lucrezi într-un mediu premium care redefinește standardele wellness-ului ? Core & More Pilates Studio te vrea in echipa sa!

Avem nevoie de o persoana dinamica, proactiva si pozitiva si atenta la detalii.

*Cunostinte de operare PC;
* limba engleza - mediu



Are you smiling, energetic and organized? Do you want to work in a premium environment that redefines wellness standards? Core & More Pilates Studio wants you in its team! We need a dynamic person, proactive and positive and attentive to details.


*PC operating knowledge
*Advanced level of English

Job Description


*Preluarea apelurilor telefonice;
*Intampinarea clienților si directionarea acestora catre persoanele abilitate din cadrul studioului;
*Monitorizarea e-mailurilor/ whatsapp/sms și transmiterea răspunsurilor, după caz; evidenta bazei de date;
*Responsabil de stocul de bunuri necesare pentru funcționarea biroului (consumabile, apa, etc.)
*Pastrarea zonei curata și ordonata
*Incasari si emitere facturi in smartbill
*Transmiterea sms-urilor reminder si efectuarea programarilor.

Program lucru: luni-vineri
Full time / part time

*Mediu relaxant de lucru.
*Concediu de odihna anual 20 de zile lucratoare pe an conform codului
*Zile libere de ocazii speciale, ziua de nastere.
*Decontare transport cu mijloace de transport in comun (asta e 140 lei pe
luna metrou+bus).
*Acces gratuit la clasele de grup (pilates, barre, dans, yoga).
*Program lejer in preajma Craciunului si Pastelui (5-6 libere platite).


*Answering phone calls
*Greeting clients and directing them to the appropriate persons within the studio
*Monitoring emails/WhatsApp/SMS and providing responses as necessary; maintaining the database
*Responsible for maintaining office supplies stock (consumables, water, etc.)
*Keeping the area clean and organized
*Handling cash transactions and issuing invoices through SmartBill
*Sending reminder SMS messages and scheduling appointments

Working hours: Monday to Friday
Full-time / part-time

Company Description

Core&More este un boutique studio de pilates si yoga,cu clienti premium , multicultural , localizat in Pipera, pe bd. Erou Iancu Nicolae.


Core&More is a boutique pilates and yoga studio, with premium, multicultural clients, located in Pipera, on bd. Erou Iancu Nicolae.

Published Jan 16, 2025Updated Jan 16, 2025Expires Feb 15, 2025
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