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Euromaster Tyres & Services Romania
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Experienta - minim 1 an
Experienta in post similar - de preferat
Studii - Universitare
Cunostinte PC - Email, Office, Excel, Power Point - minim nivel mediu
Limbi straine - Engleza-mediu

candidatul trebuie sa fie o persoana dinamica, comunicativa, analitica, sa stie sa se faca placut in relatia cu clientii si colegii, creativ si cu deschidere catre nou.

Job Description

​Rolul postului :
-Asigura suport in procesul de vanzare pentru clientii de tip leasing si B2D.
Descriere :
-Colaborarea eficienta cu Key Account Managerii in procesul de vanzare
-Preluarea si prelucrarea comenzilor emise de client si transmiterea catre sucursale
-Centralizarea,facturarea si urmarirea comenzilor receptionate de la clientii KAM;
-Transmiterea informatiilor necesare facturarii catre sucursale;
-Transmiterea comenzilor catre departamentul de achizitii si urmarirea acestora, atunci cand este cazul;
-Organizarea si urmarirea contractelor de gestiune flota;
-Intocmirea rapoartelor de activitate si rezultatele pentru clientii KAM;
-In absenta KAM va raspunde prompt si corect solicitarilor clientilor alocati;
-Colaboreaza cu KAM la intocmirea stocurilor de anvelope pentru clientii alocati;
-Participa la intocmirea bilanturilor pentru clientii alocati;
-Asigura corespondenta intre Euromaster si clientii alocati;
-Asigura transmiterea de documente pentru confirmarile de sold intre departamentul financiar si clientii alocati, si se implica in colectarea creanzelor de la clientii alocati;

Company Description
Founded in 1991 and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michelin Group, Euromaster provides tyre and vehicle maintenance solutions to business and retail customers throughout Europe.

Euromaster is a leading European network with more than 11 000 people, 2300 service centres (integrated and franchisees, mixture of retail, comprehensive and truck locations) and 2800 mobile units in 17 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK.

Far from being just a tyre specialist, Euromaster offers a full range of services and "service maintenance repair" skills to all types of vehicles:

- Specialisations/activities: Premium, Mid-range and Budget Tyres, 24/7 Commercial Vehicle Breakdown, Tyre Management, Mobile Tyre Fitting, Tyre inflation, Fleet Inspections, Wheel Alignment, Servicing, Shock Absorbers, Exhausts, Batteries, Brakes, Nitrogen, Air Conditioning, eshop, ebooking;

- Vehicles: trucks, cars, vans, 2wheels, agricultural machinery, earthmover, industrial vehicles.

Thanks to its network and its people – their expertise, their honesty, their commitment and their understanding of every customer – Euromaster ensures the ongoing mobility of its customers is effective and hassle-free.

Published Feb 10, 2025Updated Feb 10, 2025Expires Mar 12, 2025
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