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Waste Specialist

Leroy Merlin Romania
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

#YourCareer starts by doing what you love

✔ Do concepts such as “circular economy”, “waste management”, “product life cycle”, “consumer habits”, “healthy recycled” or “circular alternatives” appear on your list of passions?

✔ Would you like to work in a high-performing environment, where you are encouraged to value your organizational skills, decision-making power or ability to synthesize?

✔ Furthermore, does a career upgrade in a DIY market leader company sound attractive to you?

If there is a match, then you might be the talented colleague we are looking for. It’s your time to discover that performance, respect, exemplarity, simplicity, coherence and generosity are not just simple words for our team, but values that genuinely guide all of our actions!

How are you:

Action and result oriented: Circular Economy is a business issue, and furthermore waste management is a priority then you must be able to deliver results (and having the capacity to measure them).

Leadership ability & cooperation: able to take the lead while working in networks and teams in a culture of co-responsibility and shared governance. You must be able to influence thru openness to feedback and transparent communication, flexibility, empathy and self-control.

Situation intelligence: must be able to decline a strategy/ ambitions and adapt your message according to a wide range of interlocutors (stores, COMEX, external partners…).

Structure and organization: Be able to implement a Waste management system across the company

Passion, positivity and resilience: must be fully dedicated to your mission and willing to transform the company. Positive energy and resilience are very useful for this mission.

“Must have” knowledge about :  

  • Waste management legislation;
  • Waste management processes;
  • Waste management specificity;
  • Recycling industries.

“Nice to have” knowledge about:

  • Circular Economy stakes and challenges;
  • Familiarity with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes;
  • Certifications in waste management.

What will you do:

Waste culture: 

  • Sensibilize and train teams within the BU to spread the knowledge and understanding of Waste challenges.

Waste in Supply Chain:

  • Limit waste of material/ products within local supply chain: with Offer and Supply Chain teams: identify sources of waste in local supply chain, identify main root causes and implement corrective action plans


  • Organize a collection of mines to recycle and secure access to materials: with Offer and Supply Chain teams: identify local industries with potential recycling, settle local partnerships and organize collection and valorization of collected waste.


Works and collaborates closely with:

  • Colleagues from the Sustainable Development team;
  • The network of Waste and Circular Economy Coordinators/ specialists of ADEO companies;
  • The Offer, Omnicommerce, Supply Chain, Human Challenge Teams within your Business Unit;
  • External stakeholders such as industrial partners (suppliers, recyclers) and local associations or authorities.

What we want you to have:

  • At least 2 years experience in leading waste ;
  • English language - advanced knowledge mandatory;
  • French language is a plus;
  • Excel, Google Suite;
  • Willing to travel.

What we offer you:

  • A united team which is committed to give their best in order to make every project a real success;
  • A cozy relaxing zone where you can perfectly get your head together or simply enjoy some moments by yourself;
  • A job where your professional development through challenging projects, workshops, seminars, trainings or managerial support is a priority;
  • A working environment where your needs, desires or ideas are always paid full attention;
  • A place where your success is properly rewarded.

What you have to do next:

Send us your CV! If there is a match, we hardly wait to meet you and plan #YourCareer at Leroy Merlin. 

Company description

Member of the French Adeo Group, the Leroy Merlin company is number 1 in Europe on the DIY market and number 3 worldwide. An achievement to which we have added one brick each year for almost 100 years. We've built a safe and comfortable home for ourselves because we don't believe in half-measures.

The 22 stores in 16 cities in the country are our pillars of resistance and proof of our ambition to be the best. And we don't stop there. The story started with building a solid foundation – our team. That is, the more than 3000 great people who make up the Leroy Merlin family. Together, we are creators of experiences, strategies and stories. We want to contribute every day to improving the world in which we live. And it's no small thing that we've managed to make hundreds of millions of people's day better so far.

Come and continue the story with us!

Descrierea jobului

For detailed information about required qualifications, please see the job description provided in the section above.

Descrierea companiei

Membră a Grupului Francez Adeo, compania Leroy Merlin este numărul 1 în Europa pe piața de bricolaj și numărul 3 mondial. Cele 22 magazine din 16 orașe din țară sunt stâlpii noștri de rezistență și dovada ambiției de a fi cei mai buni. Adică cei peste 3500 de colegi care formează familia Leroy Merlin. Împreună, suntem creatori de experiențe, strategii și povești. Ne dorim să contribuim în fiecare zi la îmbunătățirea lumii în care trăim. 

Publicat 18 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 19 Mart. 2025Expiră 17 Apr. 2025
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