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Warehouse manager

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Candidatul Ideal

- Experience in working with and creating warehouse procedures and policies
- In-depth knowledge of Microsoft Excel
- Excellent English
- Knowledge of FIFO, FEFO, previous experience in setting the strategies for picking in the warehouse system.
- Experience in leading a large team more than 100 people.
- Experience in managing a budget and P&L.
- Minimum 5 years in at least 2 working places as a warehouse manager.
- Excellent leadership skills, including the abilities to set goals, motivate and manage conflicts
- Effective communication skills, including writing, speaking and active listening
- Great interpersonal skills
- Good project management skills, including strong decision-making, problem-solving and strategic planning abilities
- Exceptional time management and organization skills
- In-depth understanding of industry and company best practices for the warehouse
- Familiar with bookkeeping, inventory control practices and logistics
- Comfortable using inventory management software and other organizational computer applications

Descrierea jobului

- Supervise daily warehouse activities, including quality assurance, inventory control, space management, logistics, floor productivity,
- Schedule and oversee warehouse team, and manage the flow and quality of work to maximize efficiency
- Inspect equipment, tools, and machinery regularly, and oversee general maintenance when necessary
- Meet regularly with warehouse leads to analyze productivity and develop actionable plans for loss prevention
- Implement operational policies and procedures.
- Implement and overseeing security operations.
- Work on special projects as appointed
- Manage stock control and reconcile with data storage system
- Setup layout and ensure efficient space utilization
- Receive feedback and monitor the quality of services provided
- Audit and report inventory while making recommendations on which items to order and restock
- Manages warehouse team, monitors the work and ensuring the safe use of warehouse equipment
- Establish warehouse practices and protocols to achieve an efficient warehouse
- Set warehouse and team goals in collaboration with executive management and other team leads
- Monitor workplace performance and lead training initiatives to improve employees
- Keep up-to-date on the latest legal and GXO group and safety regulations
- Communicate with other departments to ensure products are shipped in a timely manner.
- Fully controls the processes to ensure the proper documentation of entry/exit from the warehouse.

Descrierea companiei

La GXO, suntem mandri ca reprezentam o echipa globala ce are talente la fiecare nivel al organizatiei. Ne concentram pe crearea unui loc de munca care sa permita tuturor sa se dezvolte. Avem grija de sanatatea si siguranta angajatilor nostri; diversitatea, respectul si accentul pe colaborare sunt principalele elemente ale modului care ne desfasuram activitatea si ale rezulatelor furnizate.

Oferim salarii competitive, posibilitati de dezvoltare a carierei pentru fiecare membru al echipei, lucrand intr-o companie agila, bazata pe tehnologie.

GXO SUPPLY CHAIN ROMANIA SRL este o companie specializata in activitati de depozitare, transport si distributie

Asteptam sa te alaturi echipei noastre!

Publicat 27 Dec. 2024Reactualizat 24 Ian. 2025Expiră 26 Ian. 2025
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