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Upholstery specialist wanted in Tyrol/Austria

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Candidatul Ideal

Upholstery specialist wanted in Tyrol/Austria, AUSTRIA, ABROAD

Descrierea jobului

We are looking for an upholstery specialist for our Interior Company. We provide luxury hotels with indiviualized luxury furniture. Full time; Working place: Mils/Tirol/Austria

Descrierea companiei

Welcome @home INTERIOR, expert for Interior Design.

Interior design tells stories with materials, shapes and colours. Experts work with you to create a unique ambience and make your story perceptible to the senses. These ideas take shape in our specialist workshops. The Design Centre with exclusive inspiration and creative spaces and a sewing and upholstery workshop are located in Mils, close to Hall in Tyrol, Austria. We work mainly for hotels and make sure that all furniture and textiles are fitted and assembled on site.

Publicat 10 Dec. 2024Reactualizat 9 Ian. 2025Expiră 9 Ian. 2025
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