System Engineering Department Manager
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Descrierea jobului
Key Responsibilities:
- Participate in defining the annual IT strategy, considering the company’s needs and evolution.
- Ensure the implementation of ︁︀︂︃︃︈︁︁︉︂this strategy through appropriate IT solutions, including systems, processes, products, innovations, and optimizations.
- Coordinate and supervise the configuration, installation, and optimization of infrastructure and network connections, operating systems, services, client procedures, and network-specific applications within agreed SLAs.
- Coordinate the incident management process though out the System Engineering area
- Plan, organize, coordinate, control, and monitor system engineering processes and projects.
- Ensure the quality of projects developed by the team and their delivery within the agreed timeframe.
- Ensure the strict application of security rules according to Group’s security standards. (ISO27001:2013)
- Coordinate, supervise and support team members, guiding them in developing their skills and performance
- Foster a collaborative and innovative team environment where team members feel empowered to deliver the best results and propose improvement ideas
- Prepare analyses, specific reports, and proposals to be presented to the direct manager.
- Maintain collaboration with other departments within the company, clients, partners and service providers.
- Propose and implement business development actions to increase profit, optimize activities, and/or enhance customer satisfaction.
- Proven managerial experience (in a system engineering area) – 4-5 years
- Bachelor's degree in a Technical Faculty
- Strong leadership and team management skills
- Excellent ability to organize and prioritize projects and activities
- Strong problem solving and analytical skills
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Good understanding of Infrastructure architectures, micro-services (OpenShift, Kubernetes)
- Good understanding of Cloud architectures – Azure (mandatory), Google, AWS (nice to have)
- Understanding of CISCO solutions (infrastructure and security) – nice to have
- Experience in managing local/in-house data centers
- English – advanced level
Our offer:
- Flexible benefits in the Benefit Systems platform - you can choose the benefits that suit your needs (monthly package value above the market average);
- Private medical insurance that covers complex services;
- Work-life balance - flexible schedule and remote work mode - up to 100% remote;
- 21 days of holiday + 1 day off for your birthday + days off for seniority in the company;
- Development opportunities (internal and external courses)
By applying to this recruitment announcement, I declare that I have read the information note available on the company page at:, and I agree with the manner and terms of personal data processing that KRUK Romania will process for the purpose of recruitment, for the position I have selected.
Descrierea companiei
Grupul KRUK este liderul pietei de gestionare a creantelor din Europa Centrala. Din 2007, Grupul activeaza cu succes pe piata din Romania.
Grupul KRUK este prezent in mai multe tari din Europa Centrala: Polonia, Romania, Cehia, Slovacia, Germania, Luxemburg, Malta, Italia si Spania. Compania ofera oportunitati de dezvoltare, siguranta, suport si stabilitate.
Vino si alatura-te echipei KRUK Romania si vom creste impreuna, cu pasiune si hotarare!
Ne mandrim cu titlul de Top angajator, ocupand locul 3 in Topul angajatorilor, conform, titlu obtinut pentru cultura organizationala transparenta si preocuparea constanta pentru bunastarea angajatilor.
KRUK Romania are o echipa tanara si profesionista si isi desfasoara activitatea intr-un mediu placut si linistit. Valorile in functie de care ne ghidam activitatea, sunt: simplitatea, respectul, cooperarea, responsabilitatea si dezvoltarea continua.
In centrul fiecarui proiect si activitate pe care le dezvoltam, avem clientii nostri si ne straduim in fiecare zi sa gasim noi solutii viabile care sa ii ajute sa isi rezolve problemele financiare temporare.
In Grupul KRUK ne angajam sa promovam o forta de munca diversa si incluziva. Incurajam cu tarie aplicatiile candidatilor cu dizabilitati. Aderam la principiile egalitatii de sanse si concurentei loiale, asigurandu-ne ca toti candidatii pot participa cu sanse de egalitate. In cazul in care aveti nevoie de amenajari specifice pentru a va sprijini procesul de aplicare, va rugam sa indicati acest lucru in cererea dumneavoastra sau sa ne contactati la Suntem dedicati facilitarii unui proces de recrutare confortabil si accesibil pentru toti solicitantii.