Candidatul Ideal
If you have solid SAP knowledge, proven and in-depth experience in local tax laws and regulations, solid knowledge of Romanian accounting regulations and business bookkeeping procedures, of statutory accounting and tax laws, rules, and regulations, apply and join our team!
You should have:
- University degree in Accounting, Finance or Economics.
- Over 7 years relevant experience in all areas of accounting and tax financial accounting areas (proven work experience as a Tax Accountant, Tax Analyst or Tax Preparer is preferred).
- Experience with SAP, especially SAP-FI.
- In-depth knowledge of RAS accounting and bookkeeping procedures
- Advanced MS Office skills (MS Excel in particular)
- Abilities to communicate effectively in English both written and oral
- Strong numeracy skills and keen attention to detail
Descrierea jobului
- Recording in SAP the direct entries of suppliers, non-current assets, banks and other journal entries in a timely manner
- Running and checking the monthly depreciation and amortization
- Issuing and recording in SAP invoices to customers
- Performing monthly reconciliations for tax return purposes: e.g. reconciliations of sales/purchases journals with GL
- Maintaining the Fixed Assets Register (codification of new fixed assets, depreciation method, entries, disposals, depreciation etc)
- Quarterly computation of income tax
- Filling in tax returns to be submitted to tax authorities
- Ensuring the accuracy of primary financial documents, as well as their compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
- Providing support to business for actual and forecasts to enable timely reporting of results
- Processing and reviewing accruals received from business for closing of the month/year;
- Performing month closing procedures necessary for preparation of monthly trial balance as per RAS
- Participation in annual financial audits by providing supporting documents and information to auditors
- Review of new agreements (giving comments and control), to be in accordance with fiscal and financial rules
- Dynamic and challenging job within international company environment
- Competitive employment package
Descrierea companiei
Grupul Expert Petroleum (XP) se concentreaza pe maximizarea potentialului campurilor mature de petrol si gaze prin intermediul unor Contracte de Imbunatatire a Productiei (Production Enhancement Contracts - PEC) in prezent cu operatiuni in Romania si Ucraina.
Competentele tehnice ale XP precum si experienta de care dispune sunt dedicate unor tehnologii si procese potrivite scopului prinicipal al activitatii, imbunatatirea productiei in campurile de petrol si gaze a caror curba de productie si-a inceput declinul.
Grupul a inregistrat succese in activitatea sa din Romania atat in cresterea nivelului de productie dar si in reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, a intensitatii energiei si a folosirii apei potabile.
In Romania entitatile grupului opereaza campuri mature cu peste 900 de angajati iar in Ucraina, in jur de 200 angajati opereaza cele 13 campuri mature de gaze.