SAP Consultant
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Candidatul Ideal
Are you passionate about providing high-quality and value-adding consulting solutions in SAP? Join us and become a key player in shaping the future of technology.
- Profound experience of several years in at least one SAP module – FICO, SD
- Prior experience in Implementations Rollout and Support experience is required in SAP on large international projects.
- Requirement gathering design testing documentation and Deployment support.
- Knowledge of SDLC and agile methodologies.
- Experience in Configuration of Org structure Master data Purchasing Pricing Account Determination PR/PO Release strategy process Outputs & Forms Inventory Management Logistic Invoice Verification and Physical Inventory areas.
- Familiarity with designing and deploying Special Procurement scenarios like Subcontracting Stock Transport Orders and Consignment process.
- Ability to work with the business team and understand the requirements and translate them to Functional specification.
- Application Knowledge of SAP HANA CLOUD Logistics Modules would be an asset.
Descrierea jobului
- Lead the engagement effort of providing high-quality and value-adding consulting solutions to customers at different stages - from problem ︁︈︂︂︄︅︃︂︄︆definition to diagnosis to solution design, development and deployment.
- Review the proposals prepared by consultants, provide guidance and analyze the solutions defined for the client business problems to identify any potential risks and issues.
- Identify change Management requirements and propose a structured approach to client for managing the change using multiple communication mechanisms.
- Coach and create a vision for the team and provide subject matter training for your focus areas.
- Motivate and inspire team members through effective and timely feedback and recognition for high performance.
Descrierea companiei
Cine este Adecco? Adecco Romania este parte a The Adecco Group, lider local si mondial in furnizarea de servicii de resurse umane. Cu peste 33.000 de angajati full time si aproximativ 5.100 de sucursale, Adecco este prezent in peste 60 de tari si teritorii. În Romania, compania gestionează peste 8.000 de persoane plasate, are o baza de date cu peste 500.000 de candidaţi şi deserveste zilnic peste 600 de clienţi, toate acestea prin intermediul colegilor din cele 15 sucursale raspandite in intreaga tara.
Misiunea noastra este sa oferim oamenilor oportunități de angajare în orice etapă a carierei profesionale, iar companiilor, talentele de care au nevoie. Consultantii nostri sunt entuziasti si pasionati, sunt profesionisti specializati in domenii si industrii multiple, au experienta si capacitatea de a-ti intelege dorintele si planurile de cariera si de a gasi job-ul potrivit pentru tine. Credem in tine! Construirea unei cariere durabile este un proces continuu in care ai nevoie de motivatie, un plan de actiune, flexibilitate si disciplina. Succesul inseamna cunoasterea calitatilor personale si increderea in acestea. Descopera Adecco si vino sa desenam calea in cariera impreuna.
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- 23 Oct. 2024
Consultant in vanzarea creditelor
Brasov, Oradea, Satu-Mare și alte 3 orașe16000 - 21000 RON net / lună -