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Candidatul Ideal

Our requirements:
  • Very good knowledge of Romanian and English enabling free communication with the customer—a necessary condition;
  • Readiness for business trips;
  • Valid driving license category B;
  • Knowledge of MS Office;
  • Good work organization and independence in action;
  • Experience in commercial work on the Romanian market.

Descrierea jobului

Your duties:
  • Active search for new business partners in the assigned territory in the B2B sector;
  • Maintaining good relations and high quality service of existing Customers;
  • Development of the company's own brands - DOMINO, LAVITA, WILD-WOOD (interior design articles - bathroom equipment, ceramic tiles, floors, door and furniture fittings);
  • Building a distribution network and managing the development of the company's sales in Romania;
  • Market analysis and monitoring—identification of Customer needs;
  • Providing technical support to Customers;
  • Co-creation of the company's commercial policy in the assigned territory.
This is what we offer:
  • Stable employment based on a B2B contract;
  • Attractive salary and a bonus system depending on work results;
  • Company car and other necessary tools;
  • Possibility of training and personal development

Descrierea companiei

DOMINO POLSKA is a dynamically developing trading company with over 30 years of tradition. Since 2002, we have been a leader in the production and distribution of door handles, furniture accessories and bathroom equipment on the Polish market.
Publicat 18 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 19 Mart. 2025Expiră 17 Apr. 2025
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