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Candidatul Ideal

Essential Skills and Requirements:
  • Communicative knowledge of the English language
  • Knowledge of MS Office applications, in particular Excel and Power Point
  • Very good communication skills and customer orientation
  • Ability to prioritise, plan and organise work
  • Be proactive and independent in achieving tasks and objectives
  • Experience in a similar position and knowledge of the sanitary industry is welcome

Descrierea jobului

Key Job Responsibilities:
  • Supporting the sales team in the SOUTH market (bathroom equipment category)
  • Preparation of presentations and commercial ︁︀​︂︃︃​︁︂︇​︁︂︈offers based on information obtained from the sales team,
  • Preparing industry analyses and maintaining and supervising the overall reporting system in the department, i.e. day-to-day control of trade receivables and archiving of all trade documents
  • Keeping track of competitor movements: trade marketing tools, POS positioning, product display methods and new product developments
  • Support for the marketing area: maintenance of the website, coordination of the creation of communication materials, coordination of digital activities, i.e. e-mail marketing, SMM management, organisation of events/fairs, cooperation with advertising agencies

Pay and benefits:
  • Stable employment based on an employment contract
  • Competitive salary
  • A friendly working atmosphere
  • Opportunities for learning and development on the job
  • The opportunity to practice your language skills in all fields
  • Dynamic and challenging environment, friendly to your ideas

Please provide your CV (in English) adding the close below:

Please add the following clause in your CV: "Pursuant to Article 6.1. a general regulation on the protection of personal data of 27 April 2016 (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 05/04/2016) I agree to the processing of personal data contained in my job offer for the needs of current and future recruitment conducted by Cersanit SA"

Descrierea companiei

Cersanit Grup reprezinta una dintre cele mai importante companii producatoare si distribuitoare de finisaje si echipamente pentru baie: placi ceramice, obiecte sanitare, mobilier si accesorii pentru baie, cazi si cabine de dus, combinand stilul, confortul si solutiile functionale accesibile tuturor. Cersanit este un grup din Polonia, activ pe piata interna si internationala, cu fabrici si operatiuni de business in Europa (Polonia, Ucraina, Germania, Lituania, Letonia, Estonia, Republica Ceha, Slovacia, Ungaria, Romania, Bulgaria, Franța, Marea Britanie, Irlanda, Suedia și Danemarca).

Obiectivul principal Cersanit este dezvoltarea unei organizatii economice paneuropene puternica, care sa ii permita sa isi mentina statutul de lider pe piata accesoriilor de baie, dar si pozitia unui expert de lider in domeniul placilor ceramice pentru pereti si podele, asigurand astfel stabilitate pe termen lung.

Cersanit se caracterizeaza ca find o companie simpla, inovatoare si moderna, cu oameni ambitiosi in actiunile lor si mereu pregatiti pentru schimbari. Actionand intr-o lume in continua schimbare, compania este una matura, responsabila si preocupata de viitor.

Daca esti o persoana muncitoare, ambitioasa, cu spirit de echipa si iti doresti sa faci parte dintr-o companie inovatoare, atunci Cersanit este cel mai potrivit loc pentru tine!

Te asteptam sa ne cunoastem!

Publicat 2 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 2 Oct. 2024 Expiră 1 Nov. 2024
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