Candidatul Ideal
Persoana dornica sa invate si sa se specializeze in tehnicile de vanzare NCH;
Bune abilitati dе comunicare, prezentare si negociere;
Buna gestionare a timpului si a resurselor;
Cunostintele tehnice reprezinta un avantaj;
Detinator de carnet cat B si dornic de un job activ pe teren.
Descrierea jobului
Prospectarea si identificarea clientilor cu potential din zona alocata;
Dezvoltarea relatiilor de business cu clientii existenti;
Acordarea de asistenta post-vanzare.
Pachet compensatoriu motivant compus din parte fixa (5.000 RON), comision si
bonus de performanta;
Oportunitate excelenta de a creste pe plan profesional;
Traininguri de vanzari si produse si pregatire continua in teritoriu.
Descrierea companiei
NCH Europe is a company providing innovative solutions in the field of water treatment, energy saving and maintenance. Our solutions are used in Europe in the industrial and infrastructure sector. NCH Europe is present in 26 countries, employs over 2,000 employees and is one of the largest branches of NCH Corporation. NCH Corporation earns $ 1 billion from a portfolio of highly prospering and growing companies.
Founded in 1919 in Texas as a manufacturer and supplier of solutions for the maintenance of machinery and equipment in industry, NCH Corporation is present in 55 countries around the world today. In Europe, we focus on 6 main areas of activity: we specialize in water treatment, wastewater treatment, parts cleaning, lubricants & fuel additives (Lubricants & Fuel Additives), tools & mechanical connections (Tools & Fasteners), as well as maintenance, providing solutions to clients in the hotel industry and the industrial sector and infrastructure.