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Regional Sales Coordinator

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Candidatul Ideal

What we envision for the candidate in this role:
  • Experience in team management for at least 3 years (knowledge and skills in organizing and creating team work).
  • Willingness for frequent business trips, as this is the core of the job.
  • Proficient PC user (Excel, 1C, and overall MS Office).
  • Understand what responsibility is and not be afraid to take it on (a high level of responsibility and initiative is truly important in this role).
  • Be open, with active listening skills and healthy communication (possess excellent communication skills and be able to find common ground with anyone).
  • Ready to find solutions in seemingly impossible situations and able to set up work in a state of uncertainty.
  • Ability to clearly, concisely, and inspirationally set tasks (SMART technique).
  • Adaptability to changes and the ability to integrate them into the team.
  • Ability to manage group dynamics and implement changes, initiatives, and decisions.
  • Have your own vision, approach, and the ability to communicate it.
  • High level of business process management (description, setup, optimization, execution control, workload assessment, integration, and implementation).
  • Financial literacy (understanding the interdependence of financial factors and their impact) and the ability to manage a budget.

Descrierea jobului

Responsibilities that the employee will undertake

1.Be a leader to your team (group of territorial managers and their subordinate ︁︀​︂︃︃​︇︂​︁︃︁staff):
  • Communicate and explain the goals and objectives set before the team/team member.
  • Support task execution through checkpoints, timely responses, and prompt feedback to your team/team member.
  • Develop the team/team member through training and mentoring, delegating more complex tasks, and working together on tasks.
  • Convey to the team/team member the requirements and expectations for them or the task.
  • Explain the work concept, company culture, internal rules, job instructions, and motivation systems.
2. Staff the team (department):
  • Determine the requirements for candidates for territorial managers and participate in the selection of candidates.
  • Initiate and organize the transfer of team members from one department to another or from one role (position) to another.
  • Organize the interchangeability of team members (if necessary).
3. Organize team work:
  • Provide the necessary tools, communication channels, and information to complete the assigned tasks.
  • Communicate decisions, events (promotions, openings, etc.), and changes in the company, and adapt them to the team's work.
  • Ensure interaction between the team and other company departments (accounting, marketing, etc.).
  • Analyze the work of the department and the controlled region and initiate decisions based on the conclusions drawn.
  • Monitor, analyze, and assist in the execution of the sales plan for the controlled region.
  • Provide assistance and consultation on working with internal software.
  • Resolve conflicts both within the team and with customers.
  • Monitor the correct entry of primary documentation.

    Ce oferim?
  • Salariu fix;
  • Tichete de masă în valoare de 30lei/zi;
  • Abonament medical privat la Regina Maria;
  • Oportunități de dezvoltare a carierei în cadrul companiei.

Descrierea companiei

„Aurora Multimarket" este lider pe piața ucraineană de retail pe segmentul magazinelor Dollar & Variety.

„Aurora Multimarket" a crescut pe principiile unei culturi progresive și transparente care creează un mediu eficient din punct de vedere operațional similar companiilor de tehnologie, care distinge Compania de „comercianți tradiționali”.

Accentul pus pe excelența operațională și obsesia de a oferi cea mai bună valoare clienților au permis lanțului să crească rapid, extinzând numărul de magazine de peste 10 ori în șase ani, atingând pragul de 1.500 de magazine până în iulie 2024.

Potrivit Colliers ExCEEDING Borders Retail Report 2021, "Aurora Multimarket" este unul dintre cei mai mari trei discounteri din punct de vedere al numărului de magazine nealimentare din Europa Centrală și de Est. Compania este condusă de un co-fondator, iar în 2021, Horizon Capital, un fond internațional de top cu peste 1,5 miliarde USD de investiții directe gestionate, s-a alăturat acționarilor companiei.

Publicat 22 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 25 Oct. 2024 Expiră 21 Nov. 2024
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