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Humana People to People
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Candidatul Ideal

Are you passionate about sustainability and community impact? We're looking for a dynamic Recruiter informing about and enrolling for Humana People to People International Volunteer program in Africa and India. If you thrive on connecting with people and want to drive real environmental and social progress, this role is for you! Help us grow our movement for a sustainable world.
You will be part of an international team present in six countries and led from our office in Spain, you are our person if you have:
- Previous experience in recruitment, administrative task, promotion, marketing, or sales.
- Proactive, autonomous, dynamic, and resourceful individual.
- Excellent communication skills and interpersonal abilities.
- Purpose driven and Goal oriented person.
- Excellent English proficiency.

We would be considered advantage:
- Previous volunteer experience
- Be attuned to both environmental conservation and human rights protection.

Descrierea jobului


- Gain a deep understanding of the HUMANA Volunteer program and the promotion process.
- Reach ︁︀​︂︃︃​︈︁​︁︉︂KPIs relevant for the position (number of enrolled volunteers, requested inquires set by management etc).
- Organize/attend events aimed at promoting the Volunteer program and generating leads.
- Schedule individual recruitment sessions with interested candidates for more information and qualification.
- Manage and maintain a thorough control of the database.
- Develop partnerships with universities, schools, associations, or organizations to promote the Volunteer program.
- Seek opportunities and platforms to promote the program and expand the reach.
- Post content on social media according to guidelines set out by the company.
- Developing an action plan (quarterly).
- Prepare and present weekly reports on the status of program.
- Analyze various KPIs connected to the role.
- Availability for travels.

• Be part of a bigger mission and global impact
• Access to global best practices and professional know-how in an international setting;
• Work in a stable organization with clear and transparent organization and business process
• Employee benefits and incentives
• Career development, trainings and teambuilding
• Opportunities to visit international project of HUMANA

Descrierea companiei

Humana People to People este o rețea de 29 de organizații membre din Europa, SUA, Africa, Asia și America Latină și companii afiliate din 45 de țări. „Humana People to People Romania” este un susținător al rețelei internaționale HUMANA People to People.

HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE ROMANIA., a fost fondată în 2006.

De la înființare, activitatea sa principală a fost vânzarea de haine second-hand către/pentru piața locală, cu scopul de a avea un impact social și de mediu pozitiv, în România și în lume.

În România, compania este în continuă expansiune și lucrează de 16 ani cu aceleași proiecte de dezvoltare pe termen lung.

În prezent, HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE ROMANIA deține și administrează 41 de magazine în diferite orașe din România cu peste 300 de angajați.

Vă invităm să aflați mai multe despre ce este Humana People to People și importanța sa în schimbările lumii:


Pueti trimite aplicatiile si aici : https://www.humana-romania.ro/careers/


Humana People to People is a network of 29 member organizations in Europe, USA, Africa, Asia and Latin America and related companies in 45 countries. "Humana People to People Romania" is a supporter of the international network of HUMANA People to People.

HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE ROMANIA., was founded in 2006.

Since its establishment, its main activity has been sales of second-hand clothes to/for the local market , with the aim of making a positive social and environmental impact in Romania and in the world.

In Romania, the company is constantly expanding and has been working for 16 years with the same long-term development projects.

At present, HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE ROMANIA owns and manages 41 stores in different cities in Romania with over 300 employees.

We are inviting you to find out more about what is Humana People to People and it's importance in the World Changes:


You can aplly also: https://www.humana-romania.ro/careers/

Publicat 13 Sept. 2024 Reactualizat 11 Oct. 2024 Expiră 13 Oct. 2024
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