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Project Manager Growth Insights (2 years contract)

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Candidatul Ideal

Bachelor's degree in statistics, mathematics, social science, health economics. A Master’s degree in statistics is a plus
We welcome candidates at all levels of experience, given that you have the relevant educational background and hands-on experience in a data driven role, including experience acquired during an internship
Expert in using MsExcel
Statistical software like SPSS, Python, R, STATA, etc is a plus
Fluent in English, any other language can be an advantage
Highly inquisitive professional, structured, methodical and organized
Able to challenge assumptions and provide feedback to senior management
A passion for driving business results through data insights
Excellent communicator with good interpersonal skills
Flexible to work overtime as required

Descrierea jobului

Do you have a passion for data analysis and a keen eye for identifying growth opportunities? Do you like to challenge the status quo and foster improvement? We are seeking a Project Manager Growth Insights to join our team and help us drive growth in our multinational dialysis provider company.
As a Project Manager Growth Insights, you will be responsible for developing data-driven strategies that enhance business growth. You will monitor key performance indicators, assess market conditions, and support initiatives aimed at improving patient care and operational efficiency.
You will work remotely (from either home office or local business office) within a multi-country team, headquartered in Germany and you may travel to and work from Germany with a moderate frequency.

Your tasks will include:
Market & Performance analysis: Conduct in-depth analyses of growth trends, clinic performance, and market positioning, identifying key insights to drive strategic initiatives.
Data Management & Reporting: Develop and maintain dashboards, reports, and visualizations to track key metrics and provide real-time data insights for decision-making
Growth strategies & Business Intelligence: Identify growth opportunities by assessing market intelligence, demographic trends, competitive landscapes.
Growth Performance Assessment: Evaluate growth KPI’s to identify areas for improvement, aligning performance with broader strategic objectives.
Budgeting & Forecast: Support budgeting processes, financial modeling, and forecasting growth potential based on historical trends and market behavior.
Competitive & Market Research: Perform competitor analysis to understand external market forces, emerging trends, and potential risks that could impact business performance.
Stakeholder collaboration: Work closely with top management, internal departments, including finance, operations, to support data-driven decision-making, enhance business development, and implement insights-based strategies.
What we offer:
A dynamic, international environment with cross-functional collaboration.
Flexible remote work arrangements.
The opportunity to drive business impact through data-driven insights.
Professional development and training opportunities.
Competitive salary and benefits package.

Descrierea companiei

Grupul Fresenius este liderul mondial în furnizarea de produse și servicii pentru pacienții cu insuficiență renală cronică.

De peste 40 de ani, Grupul Fresenius setează standarde în dializa renală, operând la toate nivelurile de îngrijire. Ca producător al unei game complete de produse de dializă și ca furnizor de servicii activ în peste 3.900 de centre din peste 50 de țări din întreaga lume, Fresenius oferă opțiuni terapeutice personalizate pentru mai mult de 330.000 de pacienți din întreaga lume.

Compania NephroCare, parte a grupului Fresenius oferă servicii de dializă în centrele sale din peste 35 de țări din Europa, Orientul Mijlociu, Africa și America Latină.

Fresenius NephroCare România operează o rețea de 36 centre private, în 25 de județe. Centrele de dializă Fresenius NephroCare oferă tratamente de hemodializă/hemodiafiltrare precum și dializă peritoneală ambulatorie și automată la cele mai înalte standarde de calitate.

Publicat 7 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 7 Febr. 2025Expiră 9 Mart. 2025
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