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Professionals for Data Centers Construction project-Finland

6 poziții
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Candidatul Ideal

What We Are Looking For:
  • Strong experience working on large-scale projects, particularly in the construction of data centers, industrial facilities, or similar infrastructure.
  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken, as it is the primary language of communication on the project.
  • A proactive mindset, exceptional problem-solving skills, and the ability to work efficiently within a team.
  • Relevant academic qualifications and certifications in your specific discipline (e.g., Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Structural, etc.).
  • Proven experience managing or contributing to complex construction schedules, technical requirements, and safety standards.

Selected candidates will be directly employed by the project's main contractor, with contracts lasting until 2028, depending on the role. We expect candidates to have relevant educational qualifications and several years of experience in similar roles in industrial construction projects. Experience with data center projects is an advantage. You must have the right to work in the EU and be fluent in English.

If you have the expertise, passion, and drive to be part of this landmark project, we want to hear from you!

Please attach an English-language CV to your application, detailing your work experience and salary expectations. We will discuss the project and available roles in more detail with applicants who progress in the recruitment process.

Note: On the latest stage of the recruitment process, you need to provide references from your two last recent employers (the reference must be from your supervisor/manager, the reference from your colleague is not enough).

Descrierea jobului

Are you ready to be part of an exciting journey in the world of data center construction?

We’re hiring on behalf of our client, a leading data center delivery partner and we are seeking skilled professionals to join the team for an upcoming large-scale data center project in Finland. This is a fantastic opportunity to work on cutting-edge infrastructure and play a key role in shaping the future of technology.

The project is based in the capital area of Finland, a country known for its high quality of life, safety, and work-life balance. Finland is an ideal place for professionals looking to thrive in a forward-thinking environment.

This project offers exciting opportunities for skilled professionals in OFCI Management, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, MEP, and CSA Management. Each role is a project-based with a starting date ASAP / based on the agreement.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Oversee and manage construction activities in your area of expertise, ensuring quality, safety, and adherence to schedules.
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams to deliver projects to the highest standards.
  • Ensure that all technical and regulatory requirements are met throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Monitor and report on progress, risks, and challenges, with solutions-oriented approaches.

What you will get:
In addition to offering a competitive salary (up to around 115 000€/year or more depending on the experience and the specific roles) and benefits package such as relocation allowance, you get to work with modern technology. In addition, working in a rotation system is possible on this role. This position provides an opportunity to work in a high-profile and challenging environment as well as professional development. The work will begin at the beginning of 2025 and the project will last for several years, so a long-term employment relationship is guaranteed for a skilled employee.

Descrierea companiei

Barona oferă oportunități de angajare în companii finlandeze și internaționale atât mari, cât și mici. Suntem al șaselea cel mai mare angajator din Finlanda și cel mai mare operator local, care se concentrează pe sectorul industrial. Anual, angajăm peste 1.000 de experți în diferite subsectoare din domeniul producție și industrie. Îți punem la dispoziție o varietate generoasă de posturi vacante, pentru a-ți îmbunătăți abilitățile profesionale și pentru a-ți dezvolta cariera, indiferent de etapa la care te afli. În Barona vei găsi un partener de încredere, care să te sprijine în fiecare etapă a procesului de relocare în Finlanda, Suedia, Norvegia sau Irlanda. Te ajutăm să te stabilești cu traiul, îți oferim cazare, te ghidăm în privința tuturor formalităților și îți oferim sprijinul de care ai nevoie, pentru un start perfect în una dintre țările nordice sau Irland.

Vino alături de noi și hai să descoperim împreună scopul vieții tale profesionale!

Publicat 22 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 19 Febr. 2025Expiră 21 Febr. 2025
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