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Network Architect

Computer Generated Solutions Romania SRL
3 poziții
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Candidatul Ideal

  • Proficient in network protocols and technologies, such as TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, VPN, etc.
  • Proficient in network security principles and tools, such as firewall, IDS, IPS, WAF, etc.
  • Proficient with multiple Microsoft technologies, including Office365, Azure, Entra, Intune, etc.
  • Experience with next-generation firewall technologies from vendors like Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, Check Point, or Fortinet.
  • Knowledge of WAN technologies.
  • Strong IPV4 and IPV6 skills.

Descrierea jobului


Solution Architecture Design: They design and develop scalable, resilient, and secure integrated solution architecture for all omnichannel business areas

• Collaboration: They collaborate with internal teams to align with business needs. They are aligned with global business and IT representatives in the markets. They coordinate the external implementations partners and optimize processes for efficiency and speed.

• Vendor management: They manage the external vendors and coordinate their work. Contracts are being negotiated, reviewed and SLA’s are being defined and controlled.

• Security and Standards: They apply the defined security standards for their platforms. They do regular internal and external checks of their core products/platforms, creating recommendations for implementation partners.

• Data management and data governance: They ensure data governance by working closely with business, defining master data structure and providing platforms and solutions to help the organization to analyze and use the existing data.

• Efficiency and Automation: They optimize existing processes by using RPA and AI for effectivity & (cost)- efficiency. They make recommendations and help working on concepts in collaboration with other teams.

• Deployment and Maintenance: They act as product owners and deploy, manage, update and maintain core products / services. They ensure that improvements and changes are aligned with business and that they contribute to a business goal & value.

• Monitoring: They monitor system health and availability, ensuring that the solutions do ensure business continuity and according to the SLA’s.

• Troubleshooting: They diagnose and solve complex solution and integration problems, often coordinating with external partners to resolve problems

• Documentation: They create and maintain system documentation for reference and troubleshooting purposes. They align the documentation needs with other teams, especially the IT collaboration team

• Growth: They support growth by ensuring a scalable and flexible IT architecture. They regularly review the current Tec Stack, create recommendations and work on improvements.

Descrierea companiei

Compania americana CGS (Computer Generated Solutions) este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de solutii de business process outsourcing din lume, prezenta inca din anul 2006, pe piata din Romania. Compania furnizeaza, pe plan local, servicii in 18 limbi straine, avand 7 centre de suport in Bucuresti, Brasov, Sibiu, Targu-Jiu, Miercurea-Ciuc, Constanta si Galati.

Cei cca. 4.000 de angajati ai CGS Romania interactioneaza zilnic cu clienti din Romania, Germania, Marea Britanie, Spania si alte tari europene, precum si din Statele Unite ale Americii sau Canada.

Principalele servicii oferite de catre CGS Romania sunt customer care, suport tehnic, help desk, telesales si alte servicii externalizate pentru companii care activeaza in domeniul telecomunicatiilor, IT, banci, asigurari si retail.

Te vei alatura unei echipe entuziaste si dinamice care te va ajuta la dezvoltarea unei carierei de succes, intr-un mediu atractiv de lucru.

Vei participa la sesiuni de formare si training-uri intensive pentru a-ti imbunatati cunostintele si perfectiona skill-urile acumulate pana in prezent, cat si iti vei dezvolta noi abilitati.

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Publicat 10 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 10 Mart. 2025Expiră 9 Apr. 2025
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