Candidatul Ideal
Descrierea jobului
In echipa de Customer Service & Experience, cautam un coleg prietenos si profesionist care sa raspunda solicitarilor clientilor din portofoliu, atat in scris, cat si telefonic. Ne dorim sa oferim fiecarui client o experienta excelenta si sa construim relatii bazate pe incredere si respect.
Ce ne dorim de la tine:
- Cunostinte solide de utilizare PC
- Foarte bune cunostinte de limba engleza
- Abilitati excelente de comunicare si orientare catre client
- O atitudine prietenoasa, sociabila si empatica
- Gandire analitica si orientare spre rezolvarea problemelor
Ce vei face:
- Gestionezi, analizezi si solutionezi toate solicitarile primite de la clientii din portofoliu.
- Pastrezi legatura cu clientii si contribui la dezvoltarea unor relatii de durata.
- Explici in detaliu produsele si procesele companiei, clarifici asteptarile si depasesti eventualele obstacole.
- Oferi informatii complete si precise despre produsele noastre, pentru a asigura o experienta cat mai buna clientilor nostri.
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Descrierea companiei
With over 30 years of experience, Cargus is the first courier company on the Romanian market.
Currently, the company has over 5,000 employees and collaborators, offers a wide range of courier services: door to door delivery, but also through the out of home delivery network, SHIP & GO (partner points and lockers), which offers customers the opportunity to pick up or send parcels from over 3,000 points across the country. Cargus owns 5 national sorting centers, 45 operational centers and handles more than 50 million parcels per year.
Moreover, in 2022, Cargus was awarded at The Courier & Postal Services Business Awards for Excellence 2022 event, organized by GOVNET Romania, with two awards for the Most Impressive Business Evolution and Best Web Application for Delivery Services.
In 2021, Cargus acquired QeOPS, one of the most important providers of e-fulfillment services and customized logistics solutions in Romania, complementing its services offered to customers.
From the beginning of 2019, Cargus is part of Mid Europa Partners Investment Fund, one of the most active investors in Romania.