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Junior System Administrator

1 poziție
Anunț în curs de verificare

Candidatul Ideal

  • Linux/Unix/Windows server administration (install/upgrade, starting/stopping/monitoring services, maintenance, upgrade, back-up)
  • Operating systems: Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) and Windows Server (2012-2022)
  • Windows Server Family administration (AD, DHCP, DNS, Remote Services)
  • Storage and file systems: medium/advanced;
  • Programming: script level (Python, Ansible, PowerShell).
  • Networking: advanced Linux and Windows knowledge; Relevant experience in working with TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, POP3, IMAP, and MAPI protocols.
  • MCTS/MCITP Windows Server Active Directory certifications offer strong points
  • Good communication skills, able to share information and clarify business specifications in technical terminology
  • Relevant university degree in IT or an apprenticeship as an IT specialist
  • Result-oriented and good diagnostic skills.
  • Efficient time management and team player.

Descrierea jobului

  • Provide system administration services for Linux / Windows infrastructure and development systems (scripting, loading machines, system configuration);
  • Ensure systems are kept in the required configuration profile: maintenance, changes as required by the evolvement of production environments, updating software and software configurations;
  • Troubleshoot Linux / Windows systems identifying hardware, software (both OS and application level), and networking issues
  • Assume other duties/projects as they arise and be responsive to the needs of the department;
  • Provide weekly status reports on activities completed and current/ongoing projects.
  • Actively contribute to all ongoing and new internal projects.
  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest position-related technologies
  • Timely and accurate reporting on the status of assigned tasks
  • Performing specific failure recovery procedures for managed systems and applications
  • Ensuring that operational procedures are up to date and effectively applied
  • Meet the SLA requirements and the internal procedural workflow.

Descrierea companiei

RO: TALENT SUPPLY este rezultatul a peste 15 ani de expertiză în recrutarea de profesioniști valoroși în diverse domenii precum Automotive, IT, Cercetare și Dezvoltare, Producție, BPO, SSC, FMCG, Servicii etc. Scopul nostru este de a deveni partenerul dumneavoastră privilegiat în recrutare într-un parteneriat de lungă durată și de încredere. Într-o nouă eră a afacerilor în care sunt necesare inovația și adaptabilitatea rapidă la schimbare, misiunea Talent Supply este de a echipa companiile cu candidați adaptați în cel mai scurt timp posibil și cu calitatea dorită. Instruirea și sprijinirea profesioniștilor pentru a naviga pe piața muncii este cealaltă dimensiune esențială a ceea ce facem cel mai bine la Talent Supply.

Suntem potrivirea perfecta dintre obiectiv si motivatie!

ENG: TALENT SUPPLY is the result of over 15 years of expertise in the recruitment of valuable professionals in various fields such as Automotive, IT, Research and Development, Production, BPO, SSC, FMCG, Services, etc. Our goal is to become your privileged partner in recruitment in a long and reliable partnership. In a new era of business where innovation and fast adaptability to change are required, Talent Supply's mission is to equip companies with tailored candidates in the shortest possible time and with the desired quality. Coaching and supporting professionals to navigate the job market is the other essential dimension of what we best do at Talent Supply.

We are the perfect match between objective and motivation!

Publicat 4 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 4 Febr. 2025Expiră 11 Febr. 2025
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