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Internship Marketing Performance Officer

Toyota România
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Candidatul Ideal

Internship Marketing Performance Officer, Bucuresti

Descrierea jobului

Key responsibilities

Support Head of Marketing Analytics & Data to prepare regular reports and presentations highlighting marketing campaign results, trends, and actionable insights.

Partner with Brand Managers to support management of marketing budgets effectively to maximize ROI on marketing initiatives

Partners with Commercial Team to validate local marketing investment according to commercial policy and communication standards

Engages with commercial and marketing team to keep outside in perspective, collect feedback and prepare reports based on information from public sources

Daily finance operations (POs, Invoices, suppliers/finance communication):

· Administrative support for contracts

· Data analysis and support including insights gathering, understanding the key growth drivers of customer groups and preparing reports according to internal customer needs

· Develops models’ KPI Dashboards to measure models performance (sales, market share)

· Benchmark against competitors and proposes corrective action where appropriate

· Engages with internal (product, planning, sales, pricing, commercial, digital) and external stakeholders (marketing agencies as needed)


Reports and Budget management;

· Supports report creation and monthly update for marketing budget accordingly with the yearly plan, to help the efficient allocation of resources to year ensuring the right prioritization across portfolio

· Creates dashboards to measure marketing campaigns performance, using insights to optimize future initiatives. Defines and deploys actions together with the commercial and digital marketing team

· Develops a set of KPIs to measure impact of marketing activities

Market insights

· Supports customer insight collection, consolidation and analysis

· Tracks performance of marketing tactics


· Degree level, ideally in accounting/finance (ASE) or business studies


· Strong communication skills, English, verbal and written


Key technical competencies

· Computer Skills - knowledge of Excel is a must - intermediate level

· Able to identify the data sources, to collect, clean and prepare the data

· Create reports, data visualization per management requested

· Provide help to identify and develop analysis that are relevant to marketing area

· Ability to analyze data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize marketing campaigns as well as preparing reports

· Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and derive actionable insights

· Written and verbal English communication skills

· Ability to multitask, organized

· Project management

Soft skills:

· Attention to details and accuracy

· Continuous learning and a problem-solving attitude

· Proactive, collaborative and communication skills

· Time Management and Prioritization: good time management and prioritization skills

Descrierea companiei

Toyota România - importator și distribuitor al mărcii Toyota - face parte din Grupul Inchcape, o companie multinațională britanică cu o istorie de peste 160 de ani. În anul 2008, Toyota Motor Corporation a acordat firmei Toyota România statutul de National Marketing and Sales Company (NMSC) pentru întreaga regiune a Balcanilor, respectiv coorodonarea atât a României, cât și a Bulgariei, Republicii Macedonia și Albaniei. 


Sub ideea “Customer first”, compania noastră pune clientul în centrul tututor preocupărilor, ideilor, programelor și produselor, obiectivul nostru principal fiind să oferim tuturor clienților noștri o experiență unică pe care să o trăiască alături de cele mai bune mărci de mașini din lume. Prin angajamentul nostru pentru calitate, inovație continuă și respect pentru planetă, ne propunem să depășim constant așteptările și să mulțumim fiecare client.

Publicat 4 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 4 Febr. 2025Expiră 6 Mart. 2025
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