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Insurance Broker Specialist

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Candidatul Ideal

  • University Degree
  • Certificate of professional qualification for insurance brokers
  • Fluent in spoken and written English language
Technical knowledge
  • Knowledge of MS Office, Charisma and web-service applications
Soft skills/individual competence
  • Communication, networking and negotation skills
  • Result-oriented
  • Flexible, open-minded, adaptable
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Minimum 2 years in the field of insurance

Descrierea jobului

Contract limited for 24 months - hiring through leasing company
  • Issuance of insurance policies for MBFS - financed vehicles, ︁︀​︂︃︃​︁︂︁​︆︄vehicles owned by certified MB dealers and vehicles owned by our Brand partner
  • Actively promoting products and services for MBFS, to fleet custom
  • Drawing up of insurance offers (presented the insured risks and negotiation with the insurance companies)
  • Issuance of insurance policies
  • Performance of risk inspections
  • Management of the insurance portfolio
  • Ensuring that the insurance databases are up to date
  • Monitoring the due dates for insurance premiums and contacting costumers for the timely payment of the rates due
  • Bidding in order to renew insurance policies for the vehicles with a financing contracting that is nearing expiration
  • Submission of payment notifications (invoice/expense statement) concerning insurance rates due
  • Collecting insurance premiums
  • Allocation of the collections from the collection accounts of the Mercedes-Benz Insurance Broker as well as the collections from the accounts of the insurance companies, for the policies brokered by Mercedes-Benz
  • Collection of deposit slips for the insurance premiums of the insurance companies
  • Issuance and registration of addenda for the modification of the insurance policies
  • Customer relationship regarding insurance
  • Answers to requests, complaints from the customers according to internal procedures
  • Offering aftersales services to customer for the duration of the contract
  • Management of damage files
  • Provides consultancy service for the customers with on-going damage file
  • Manage the total damage files (ensures compliance with insurance conditions and with provisions mentioned in the Agreements with Insurance Companies
  • Implementation of new products and insurance processes
  • Defining the specifications required for the implementation of the management software and ensuring correct implementation
  • Verifies and stays in contact with the persons responsible for IT services concerning the functioning of the insurance applications (web-insurance)

Descrierea companiei

Mercedes-Benz are o tradiţie de peste o sută de ani şi deţine nenumărate inovaţii in domeniul mobilităţii. Azi ne concentrăm atenţia asupra automobilelor de pasageri ca referinţă de calitate, excepţionalelor vehicule comerciale şi asupra serviciilor remarcabile care aduc valoare in beneficiul clienţilor noştri. Eforturile noastre pentru atingerea acestor obiective sunt indrumate de standardele etice foarte ridicate, preocuparea pentru mediul inconjurător şi valorile fundamentale ale companiei: pasiune, respect, integritate şi disciplină. Dacă ne impărtăşeşti valorile şi eşti un perfecţionist, vino alături de noi. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Romania, divizia financiară a grupului Mercedes-Benz AG, este prezentă in Romaniaa prin trei entităţi: Mercedes-Benz Leasing IFN, Mercedes-Benz Service Leasing si Mercedes-Benz Insurance Broker.

Publicat 24 Iul. 2024 Reactualizat 24 Iul. 2024 Expiră 23 Aug. 2024
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