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Inginer proiectare geotehnica si fundatii speciale

1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

  • Bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in civil engineering with the major in structural engineering and/or geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics;
  • Professional experience in relevant/related area of duties;
  • Comprehensive understanding of engineering principles;
  • Good knowledge of English in both written and spoken language is required;
  • Knowledge of German language is advantageous;
  • Good IT skills (MS-Office, Plaxis, structural design software, FEM and CAD programs);
  • Willingness to travel in Romania and abroad;
  • Above-average commitment, self-reliance and a high degree of self-responsibility;
  • Ability to develop constructive and team-oriented cooperation as well as diplomatic skills in dealing with different working cultures;
  • Flexibility;
  • Ability to work under pressure, whilst ensuring deadlines are met;
  • Ability to manage and respond positively to change;
  • Ability to focus on and achieve project goals;
  • Keen to achieve self-development.

Descrierea jobului

  • Structural/constructive design of projects in the pre-design, tender and execution phases, in Romania and abroad;
  • Development of structural/constructive proposals for special foundations, in geotechnical engineering as well as for earthworks and foundation design;
  • Geotechnical investigations and planning coordination;
  • Geotechnical consultancy of the on-site supervision team.
We offer you a responsible and independent activity with interesting development opportunities.

If you have the required skill-set and feel that this might be the opportunity that you've been looking for then apply with your CV and letter of intention (both in English).

Descrierea companiei

We are a geotechnical and special foundations designing office committed to deliver high-quality services to our clients in Romania and through our parent company in central Europe.

Publicat 5 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 5 Febr. 2025Expiră 7 Mart. 2025
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