Inginer Proiectant Structuri de Rezistenta
Anunț verificat
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Candidatul Ideal
Absolvent al unei facultăți de constructii – Specialitatea Constructii civile si industriale;
Experienta in concepterea si calculul structurilor din beton, zidarie, metal
Experienta in realizarea calculelor structurale cu programe de calcul automat –Autodesk Robot/Etabs/Sap/ sau similar;
Realizare calcule pentru dimensionarea elementelor structurale;
Cunostinte generale cu privire etapele de realizare ale proiectelor;
Cunostinte solide privind normelor si normativelor in vigoare pentru domeniul constructiilor;
Capacitatea de evaluare a duratei de realizare a unui proiect pentru o structura de rezistenta;
Experienta in elaborarea documentatiilor pentru toate fazele de proiectare pentru structurile de rezistenta (SF, PT,DE) ;
Experienta in acordarea de asistenta tehnica din partea proiectantului pe durata realizarii proiectului;
Capacitate de comunicare atat pe plan intern cat si extern in vederea coordonarii tehnice eficiente a proiectului;
Descrierea jobului
Conceperea si propunerea sistemului structural al constructiei in conformitate cu conceptul arhitectural;
Elaborarea proiectelor, ca parte a ︁︈︁︁︉︁︃︃︁︃︈unei echipe de proiect, pentru toate fazele de proiectare in conformitate cu normele in vigoare;
Realizarea documentatiilor tehnice aferente procesului de proiectare (masuratori, relevee, documentatie avizare lucrari de interventie, studii de fezabilitate, documentatii pentru autorizatii de constructii, proiecte tehnice, detalii, liste de cantitati);
Intocmirea proiectelor in conformitate cu cerintele prevazute in legislatia in vigoare;
Respectarea termenelor de predare pentru proiectele alocate si comunicarea in timp util, echipei de proiect care sunt informatiile necesare si constrangerile astfel incat termenul de predare sa poata fi respectat;
Participarea la vizite pe santier pentru urmarirea lucrarilor, atunci cand este nevoie;
Mentinerea legaturii cu specialitati si urmarirea santierelor in momentele cheie;
Reprezentarea firmei in cadrul intalnirilor cu beneficiarul, colaboratori, subcontractori, precum si in fata altor entitati;
Vei beneficia de:
Pachet salarial competitiv 3.000E net
Oportunitati de dezvoltare profesionala reala.
Telefon mobil
Contract de munca pe perioada nedeterminata
Descrierea companiei
A&J BRAND CONSTRUCTION started as an electrical subcontractor and become and EPC Contractor activated in the Renewables Energy Sector. The company operates as a one offering its clients the convenience of a full range of services provision from Development and Design up to Contracting and O&M of their Projects. A&J BRAND CONSTRUCTION, through its commitment, flexible way of operation and use of Innovative and Efficient Technologies, is already able to show a Large Experience and a Significant Track Record created in a much faster rate than that of other businesses in the sector.
Why us? Because we started like subcontrator and we still have our own staff for all the activity’s that we work. We are use to work under pressure and fulfill the contract in the terms that we sign at the begining. We don’t work with strategies or lies, just pure and hard work with the best team that the market can offer. From the start we make a good planification and we do all that we cant o respect it 100%. We pride ourselves on our philosophy and our technical experience and our human potential allows us to always give the best service in each case.
For this, we rely on an efficient adaptation of the new technologies to our activity, the study of new products launched to the market and, lastly, the use of the latest generation of testing equipment in the area of Energy Engineering. In addition, our versatile and complete laboratory of test and trials equipment allows us to perform the tests of equipment "in situ" for the Maintenance or Commissioning, in any type of installation and place (substations, power plants, etc.), which gives us a great autonomy, being able to also carry out the analysis of the results obtained almost immediately.
- 21 Nov. 2024
Inginer proiectant constructii civile si industriale
București, Ilfov, Otopeni, Buftea3000 - 8000 RON net / lună -