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Etron Romania Techonolies Co Srl
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

- must be able to work in a team and also as an individual;
- must be a responsible person and prove respect to his work and others;
- knowledge of English Language at a medium level or higher (B2,C1);
- skilled in communication;
- willing to learn;
- timely feedback on issues;
- availability for possible business trips.
- must have engineer degree.

Descrierea jobului

Wave Soldering:
  • daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance;
  • setting, adjusting, and optimizing wave soldering equipment parameters;
  • analysis of defects for wave soldering products and improvement measures;
  • cleaning, maintenance, and upkeep of wave soldering fixture.
  • daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance of coating and dispensing equipment;
  • setting, adjusting and optimizing dispensing parameters to improve yield and efficiency;
  • for coating, dispensing equipment product - defect analysis, and improvement measures;
  • maintenance and upkeep of coating and dispensing fixtures;
  • design, application, and acceptance of new fixtures for wave soldering sections;
  • design, application, and acceptance of new fixtures for ERT coating and dispensing;
- equipment safety and conducting regular inspections;
- uploading the process route of new models;
- participate in customer audits, optimize and improve where needed;
- responsible for sending hazardous substances for inspection in the manufacturing process.

Descrierea companiei

ETRON TECHNOLOGIES ROMANIA CO SRL is a company from the worldwide Etron Group.

The companies from Etron group are focused on designing, engineering and manufacturing products and services for Medical facilities, Automation Industry and Power Supply, Automotive Electronics, Telecom and Internet.

The production facility of ETRON TECHNOLOGIES ROMANIA CO SRL is based in Oradea and specializes in production of electrical medical devices components.

Publicat 7 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 8 Mart. 2025Expiră 6 Apr. 2025
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