Candidatul Ideal
Absolvent de studii medii;
Cunostiinte de nivel mediu Ms Office (Word, Excel).
Descrierea jobului
- Organizeaza intocmirea si gestiunea documentelor de colectare, transport, receptii deseuri , avize inclusiv introduce in portal CCR NET receptiile dupa validare; ( INTRARI/IESIRI DESEURI)
- Organizeaza si supervizeaza activitatea de sortare baterii si echipamente electrice&electronice si livrarea acestora catre operaori autorizati;
- Gestioneaza si organizeaza comunicarea cu partenerii pentru tratare/valorificare deseuri;.
- Creaza si ofera instructiuni pentru uz intern (FLUX GESTIUNEA DESEURILOR)
- Gestioneaza reclamatiile partenerilor legate de receptii, documente, facturi si ajustari de cantitati impreuna cu echipa operationala;
- Gestioneaza si proceseaza comenzile clientilor din CCR NET impreuna cu echipa din departamentul Operational;
- Contribuie activ la imbunatatirea continua a performantelor companiei;
- identifica in mod constant oportunitati de imbunatatire a procedurilor si sistemelor folosite in conformitate cu obiectivele companiei.
Descrierea companiei
Reverse Logistics Group Romania started its operations on the local market in 2008, establishing itself as a partner and service provider with significant experience in managing Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Battery Waste (portable, automotive, and industrial with lead) – DBA.
Our group develops customized waste management solutions applied at the end of a product's lifecycle. Through the solutions offered to the market, Reverse Logistics Group has become one of the most experienced companies in the field. We operate a national and international network of logistics and recycling partners, ensuring flexibility and meeting the requirements of any client. Our collective, licensed waste management solutions ensure compliance with legal obligations for producers and importers at the regional level.
In our 15 years of activity, we have created and implemented a seamless system of reverse logistics (the return chain of products that have reached the end of their lifecycle and become waste) from end-users to recyclers, adapting international expertise and know-how to meet local market demands.
Reverse Logistics Group Romania provides integrated WEEE&WBA management services through three distinct entities, ensuring a coherent waste and information circuit, offering 360-degree coverage of our clients' needs in accordance with European and national legislative requirements.