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Engineer/Leadership Program

Teamland SRL
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

Whether you have experience or not, we are looking for talents eager to develop and travel! Join our International Technical Program.
If you have University degree in one of the following engineering disciplines: Mechanical, Manufacturing, Industrial/Process, Production, Civil (or similar), discover challenges, evolve professionally, and take the first steps towards a future where you will become a Leader in your field!
You will have a chance to join an international organization, that gives a great opportunity for further development. The International Technical Program, will take you to the journey through technical knowledge.
The business context and the support you will have, on the soft skills development, will prepare you for future Leader role.
Minimum English level B2;
Completed Technical Studies;
Growth-oriented mindset and eagerness to learn;
Leadership potential;
Innovative thinking: ability to bring creative ideas and solutions for process and result improvements;
Analytical troubleshooting and problem-solving skills (ability to identify, analyze, and solve complex technical issues);
Team player approach, capable of working efficiently with cross-functional teams;
Ability to thrive in a diverse work environment and quickly adapt to new challenges.

Descrierea jobului

Embracing and promoting best practices within the organization;
Focusing on initiatives to improve KPIs;
Personal development with the aim of ︁︀​︂︃︃​︁︂︁​︆︄becoming a future leader within the organization;
Promoting and enhancing the culture of health and safety within the organization;
Understanding production processes, identifying issues/situations/critical points, and developing action plans for improvement;
Analyzing production cost structures and proposing actions for improvement;
Collaborating within the company to solve problems (depending on the assigned company, mainly within interdisciplinary operations/quality/maintenance/HSE teams);
Leading assigned projects after each technical development segment (after each 3-6 month period);
Responsibility within the assigned company for a defined set of tasks (depending on the company and department).

Descrierea companiei

Teamland este cel mai dinamic furnizor de servicii de resurse umane. Oferim cu profesionalism servicii din domeniu precum:

- recrutarea de manageri sau specialiști,

- asigurarea de forţă de muncă temporară,

- audit de Resurse Umane,

- instruirea personalului.

Asigurăm o gamă completă de servicii profesionale, prin experiența și cunoştinţele noastre de specialitate şi din domeniul legislativ. Avem capacitate de a identifica soluţii inovative pentru fiecare client.

Publicat 4 Iul. 2024 Reactualizat 11 Iul. 2024 Expiră 3 Aug. 2024
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