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Electrical Site Engineer / Inginer Electric

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Candidatul Ideal

We are looking for two Electrical Site Engineer having the following qualifications to be assigned in our company for the Burn Treatment Center in Targu Mures, Romania and P&G Urlati (Prahova). If you think you meet the expectations and this role is a precious opportunity for your career path, do not hesitate to contact us!
Skills, competences - (general, professional, personal):
  • English language – good / very good
  • PC knowledge - medium / advanced: Microsoft Office Excel, Word, Power Point, average /advanced Auto CAD;Microsoft Project - is an advantage
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Concern for quality, precision and thoroughness;
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
  • Solid interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment as a member of a team;
  • A high level of commitment, flexibility, responsibility and integrity;
  • Meticulousness and ability to maintain high standards of accuracy
  • Ability to act independently;
  • To show proof of perseverance/initiative in fulfilling professional tasks and objectives.

Aptitudini si competente (generale, profesionale, personale):
  • Limba engleza – nivel bun / foarte bun;
  • Cunostinte PC – nivel mediu / avansat: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), AutoCAD (mediu / avansat); Microsoft Project – constituie un avantaj;
  • Abilitati excelente de comunicare;
  • Atentie la calitate, precizie si rigurozitate;
  • Capacitatea de a lucra sub presiune si de a respecta termenele stranse;
  • Abilitati interpersonale solide, capacitatea de a lucra eficient intr-un mediu multicultural, in echipa;
  • Angajament ridicat, flexibilitate, responsabilitate si integritate;
  • Atentie la detalii si capacitatea de a mentine standarde ridicate de acuratete;
  • Capacitatea de a actiona independent;
  • Perseverenta si initiativa in indeplinirea sarcinilor si obiectivelor profesionale.4o

Descrierea jobului

  • Coordinates and supervises the implementation of High&Low Current Electrical installation works in accordance with the execution project;
  • Prepares the necessary materials for carrying out the various stages of execution;
  • Check the quality of work execution;
  • Analyze and transmits to the project manager and the designer any non-conformities appearing in the execution plans;
  • Participate in weekly coordination and progress meetings;
  • Prepares/Checks the monthly work statements;
  • Draws up notes and sends them to the site manager;
  • Prepares weekly reports
  • Follows the execution schedule with the aim of complying with the terms of completion of the provided works.
  • It has the obligation to respect and to ensure compliance by subcontractors with the legislative provisions regarding Health and Safety at Work, PSI (provisions of law 319/2006);
  • Has the obligation to respect the confidentiality of information;
  • Has the obligation to comply with the Internal Regulation;
  • Performs any other task related to the natural flow of the activity and the mission of the position, having the obligation to respond to all requests from management (applies to all levels of specialization).
Job requirements:
  • Studies: University / Faculty of Installations (Electrical)
  • Relevant experience in a similar position: 5 years;

  • Coordoneaza si supravegheaza implementarea lucrarilor de instalatii electrice de curenti tari si slabi in conformitate cu proiectul de executie;
  • Pregateste materialele necesare pentru desfasurarea diferitelor etape de executie;
  • Verifica calitatea executiei lucrarilor;
  • Analizeaza si transmite managerului de proiect si proiectantului orice neconformitati aparute in planurile de executie;
  • Participa la sedintele saptamanale de coordonare si progres;
  • Intocmeste/verifica situatiile lunare de lucrari;
  • Redacteaza note si le transmite catre seful de santier;
  • Pregateste rapoarte saptamanale;
  • Urmareste graficul de executie pentru respectarea termenelor de finalizare a lucrarilor prevazute;
  • Are obligatia de a respecta si de a asigura respectarea de catre subcontractori a prevederilor legislative privind Sanatatea si Securitatea in Munca, PSI (prevederile legii 319/2006);
  • Are obligatia de a respecta confidentialitatea informatiilor;
  • Are obligatia de a respecta Regulamentul Intern;
  • Indeplineste orice alta sarcina legata de desfasurarea activitatii si de misiunea postului, avand obligatia de a raspunde tuturor solicitarilor din partea managementului (se aplica la toate nivelurile de specializare).

Cerinte pentru ocuparea postului:
  • Studii: Universitare / Facultatea de Instalatii (Electrice);
  • Experienta relevanta intr-o pozitie similara: 5 ani.

Descrierea companiei

About us

Synergy is a diversified contractor with the ability to meet the needs of our clients in a variety of project types, including new construction and renovation of hotels, retail centres, office buildings, educational facilities, sport facilities, infrastructure, residential buildings and industrial plants. Synergy is capable of establishing Consortium or Joint Venture for infrastructure projects all around the neighbouring and overseas markets by using the international and professional experience of the managing partners and staff and the financial strength of the company. The company was founded in 2001 in Romania and has expanded over the years to international markets. Synergy Construct has now offices and ongoing projects in Romania, Turkey, Poland, Georgia and Germany.


hotels, retail centers, office buildings, educational facilities, infrastructure, residential buildings, industrial plants

SYNERGY RO processes your personal data for labor relations purposes (labor management, staffing and recruitment needs) in order to act at your request before concluding an individual employment agreement. We will limit the transfer of personal data to our partners in recruitment activities and store this information until the date of filling the vacancy. If you are not recruited for the position for which you applied, we will store the data for a period not exceeding 9 months [AG1] from the transmission date of your personal data. If you apply through an online recruitment platform we may partner with, please contact this organization directly to inform yourself about the data processing terms applicable internally. After this period, the data submitted for recruitment purposes, including your CV, will be deleted or destroyed from our records or we may continue to store them to ensure we may contact you for future positions within the company, only with your written consent and for the mutually agreed term. You can withdraw your consent from our personal data storage at any time. We also inform you that in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you benefit from the rights stated in this Regulation. You can contact us for any requests in connection with our data processing activities by writing on our e-mail:

Publicat 17 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 10 Mart. 2025Expiră 19 Mart. 2025
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