E-commerce support specialist
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Candidatul Ideal
Experience in Operations and Logistics: Strong understanding of managing operational activities and order flows in a marketplace environment.
Communication Skills: Ability to collaborate effectively with internal and external teams.
Analytical Thinking and Attention to Detail: Skills in data analysis and problem-solving to ensure efficient process operation.
Technical Knowledge: Familiarity with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and operational monitoring tools
Descrierea jobului
Marketplace Operations Monitoring: Oversee marketplace activities conducted through, ensuring picking, packing, and delivery processes meet KPI targets.
︃︁︄︄︁︇︁︈︁Shipment and Returns Tracking: Monitor shipments and returns via Sevensenders Hub and Zalando warehouse, maintaining constant communication with involved teams.
Order Cancellations and Stock-Outs Management: Ensure accurate inventory management and reporting by tracking order cancellations and stock-out situations.
Collaboration with the Finance Team for Month-End Closure: Participate in stock and sales data reconciliation and manage invoices with the finance team.
Operational Performance Monitoring via Warehouse Dashboard: Supervise operational performance and identify potential issues using the Warehouse dashboard.
Management of Koton.ro, Fashiondays, and Emag Processes: Oversee and resolve issues related to orders and their status on these platforms.
Of course! Here is the English version of the job announcement:
Job Announcement: Operational Process Management Specialist
Location: Romania
Department: Operations and Logistics
Position Type: Full-time
Role Description:
We are looking for an experienced professional in operations and process management to join our team. The ideal candidate will oversee the operational activities of our marketplace platforms, ensure the achievement of operational objectives, and maintain efficient communication with teams and logistics partners.
Key Responsibilities:
Marketplace Operations Monitoring: Oversee marketplace activities conducted through KLG, ensuring picking, packing, and delivery processes meet KPI targets.
Shipment and Returns Tracking: Monitor shipments and returns via Sevensenders Hub and Zalando warehouse, maintaining constant communication with involved teams.
Order Cancellations and Stock-Outs Management: Ensure accurate inventory management and reporting by tracking order cancellations and stock-out situations.
Collaboration with the Finance Team for Month-End Closure: Participate in stock and sales data reconciliation and manage invoices with the finance team.
Operational Performance Monitoring via KLG Dashboard: Supervise operational performance and identify potential issues using the KLG dashboard.
Management of Koton.ro, Fashiondays, and Emag Processes: Oversee and resolve issues related to orders and their status on these platforms.
Ideal Candidate:
Experience in Operations and Logistics: Strong understanding of managing operational activities and order flows in a marketplace environment.
Communication Skills: Ability to collaborate effectively with internal and external teams (KLG, Sevensenders, Zalando, etc.).
Analytical Thinking and Attention to Detail: Skills in data analysis and problem-solving to ensure efficient process operation.
Technical Knowledge: Familiarity with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and operational monitoring tools.
Dynamic and collaborative work environment
Opportunities for professional development in an international setting
Attractive benefits package, including medical services subscription and employee discount, etc.
If you are proactive, results-oriented, and passionate about operations, we invite you to apply for this role!
Descrierea companiei
Magazinele KOTON sunt locuri de cumparaturi confortabile, cu desgn unic si decor elegant, unde va puteti uita liber prin colectii inedite si sa va plimbati confortabil si cu placere. La noi , aproape toate va fac cu ochiul, atat in centrele comerciale cat si pe strazi! Povestea de succes KOTON a inceput in anul 1988, la Kuzguncuk, intr-un magazin de 25 mp. Astazi, povestea continua si ofera directie tendintelor vestimentare cu un personal creativ de peste 220 de designeri, cu mai mult de 500 de magazine din 27 de tari si peste 10 000 de angajati care lucreaza cu inima si mintea lor pentru ca brandul sa devina marca de moda rapida cu cele mai bogate si populare colectii.
Pentru ca, astazi cumparaturile de haine nu sunt simple, magazinele KOTON se adreseaza tuturor celor cinci simturi, te fac fericit, te fac sa te relaxezi si sa iti indeplinesti toate asteptarile dontr-o experienta unica de cumparaturi. Brandul ofera o experienta de cumparaturi unica si fericita, de calitate si joaca un rol deosebit in cresterea concurentei si a traficului in centrele comerciale unde se afla.
KOTON este un brand creativ si inovator, orientat catre client si tehnologie ce reuneste tendinte cu modele unice de sezon, aducand clientii impreuna cu 30 000 de stiluri diferite, 80 de optiuni diferite in fiecare zi si peste 50 de colectii unice si calitative pe an. Prin produsele nelimitate si prin abundenta de design, KOTON este lider de moda si retail.
Munca KOTON cuprinde o gama larga de oportunitati de cariera, si ofera angajatilor posibilitatea de a se ridica si de a reusi intr-un timp scurt. Imbratisand diversitatea in intreaga organizatie, alimentarea si asigurarea participarii angajatilor la toate procesele, KOTON reuneste numeroase oportunitati de cariera, continua sa isi invete si sa isi dezvolte angajatii si le ofera transformare permanenta.
Daca esti pasionat de domeniul fashion, esti pregatit sa iti dezvolti o cariera de succes alaturi de un brand cunoscut la nivel global si esti gata sa accepti noi provocari zilnic, te asteptam sa ne cunoastem.