Dispecer Transport
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Candidatul Ideal
- Absolvent de studii medii;
- Experienta de lucru in industria de transport-logistica-distributie;
- Cunostinte ale legilor de transport, inclusiv conventia CMR;
- Bune abilitati de operare Office 365;
- Seriozitate, corectitudine, integritate si spirit dе echipa.
Descrierea jobului
- Organizarea activitatii de Transport Rutier Intermodal;
- Preluarea si gestionarea comenzile de transport;
- Transmiterea ofertelor comerciale;
- Mentinerea relatiilor cu ︃︁︄︅︅︇︄︁soferii si ceilalti colaboratori;
- Reprezentarea companiei in raport cu ARR, RAR, Politie, etc;
- Colaboreaza in transa legatura ce celelalte departamente operationale;
- Verificarea si actualizarea informatiilor in CMR-ul intern in relatie cu facturile / CMR-urile emise;
- Pachet salarial competitiv;
- Tichete de masa;
- Asigurare Medicala;
- Mediu de lucru placut;
- Faci parte dintr-o echipa de profesionisti;
- Oportunitati de dezvoltare continua;
Punct de lucru: Terminal Intermodal Yusen Logistics (sector 3)
Descrierea companiei
Yusen Logistics (who acquired Tibbett Logistics) was established in 1955 and has a network linking Japan, the Americas, Europe, East Asia and South Asia & Oceania, and operates more than 550 distribution centers in 44 countries and regions with over 24,700 employees worldwide.
The foundation of the business consists of services such as International Freight Forwarding (by air or ocean), Contract Logistics (such as Warehousing), and Transportation (such as trucking).
These services can act as standalone products or as part of our broader offering as a supply chain provider.
With the core supply chain elements in place, Yusen Logistics designs, implements, and manages supply chains specific to global industry markets, or, bespoke solutions for more complex transportation models.
As a service provider, Yusen Logistics manages these elements with a focus on developing strong relationships with its customers to ensure long-term success for their transportation program