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Customs Specialist

1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

Experience min 2 years in a similar position
Knowledge of MS Office package,
Knowledge of English at conversational level
Knowledge of European and Romanian customs, tax and excise regulations
Registration on the List of Customs Agents - not sure whethere there is such thing in Romania? There is such thing in Poland
Higher education - preferably technical faculties
Good organization of work, independence in planning and carrying out tasks
Ability to adapt to a dynamically changing work environment and the ability to work under time pressure
Driving license of category B. - it's a must - often visits in Custom office is a need.

Descrierea jobului

Handling import and export customs clearance
Preparation of customs documentation
Administrative work related to the flow and archiving of documents
Cooperation with Customs and Fiscal Offices and Customs Agencies
Support of other departments of the company in the area of customs regulations
Maintaining accurate records of all customs transactions
Identifying potential customs risks and developing strategies to mitigate them
Ensuring compliance with all applicable customs laws and regulations in Romania.

Descrierea companiei

LPP Logistics is a company belonging to the LPP Group, which was established as a response to the growing importance of efficient logistics throughout the supply chain. The rapid development of our warehouse portfolio has meant that managing this area requires a strategic approach and tailor-made solutions.

The products of our 5 brands are shipped to nearly 40 countries on 3 continents, both to showrooms and e-commerce customers. This entire complex process (the product's route from the supplier to the end recipient) is taken care of by LPP Logistics. The company employs experts for the entire supply chain: forwarding services, customs services, process engineering and warehouse automation, technology maintenance, transport and domestic and foreign distribution.

Publicat 11 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 11 Mart. 2025Expiră 10 Apr. 2025
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