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Customer Service with Hungarian - work from office

WNS Global Services
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

  • Any Undergrad / Grad / Post Grad – Hungarian & English language skillsets (at B2 - C1 Level)
  • Travel Experience Preferred
  • Excellent ︄︎︀︂︍︍︃︊​︂︆︄︄​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎communication Skills verbal & written
  • Good Computer and Operating System skills

Descrierea jobului

Job Description:
  • Following prescribed Client processes, Cancellation, Schedule change, Name change, Luggage – EMD and Seats.
  • Updating all relevant systems providing appropriate notes when required.
  • Queue placements of BID/Bookings to relevant data queues for further action.
  • Engage with Team Leads, Trainings and QA to develop skills, understand and deliver team goals.
  • Liase with all relevant departments to resolve customer issue.
  • Monitor and action assigned queue
  • Perform all duties within team and personal targets
Job Responsibilities:
  • To process training & complete certification as per client specification
  • Utilise skills and knowledge to respond to all calls received & ensure one time call resolution and respond to emails
  • To provide excellent customer service to the customers & Travel Agents
  • Adhere to standard operating procedures as set by the process
  • Attend briefings, training / refresher sessions & meetings as required
  • Knowledge Assessment Tests to be cleared with a score of 90%
  • Maintain accuracy of information shared and documented
  • Manage difficult/conflict situations in a confident and professional manner and resolve to satisfy all parties / Tactful objection handling
  • Meet set targets.
  • Minimise losses to the Company through due diligence.

Descrierea companiei

WNS Global Services is a recognized leader in business process outsourcing (BPO).

We deliver value to our customers by bringing operational excellence, deep industry and functional knowledge to critical business processes. Our customers comes from various industries, such us: travel, insurance, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, distribution and retail.

We will welcome you in a global team and in a friendly work environment where you can professionally evolve. Looking forward meeting you!

Publicat 7 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 7 Mart. 2025Expiră 6 Apr. 2025
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