Candidatul Ideal
Daca esti pasionat de turism si dornic de a invata lucruri noi si vrei sa te alaturi unui colectiv tanar, dinamic si entuziast, te asteptam sa te alaturi echipei noastre!
Asteptarile noastre:
- Sa iti doresti sa urmezi o cariera in domeniul turismului sau ticketing-ului
- Orientare catre client
- Reprezinta un avantaj absolvirea unui facultati in domeniul Turismului/Geografiei sau experienta in customer care / call center. Chiar daca nu indeplinesti aceste conditii, te vom invata noi sa fii un bun consultant de travel;
- Abilitati foarte bune de: vanzare si comunicare
- Pro-activ, organizat, ordonat, punctual, spirit de echipa, creativitate;
- Cunostinte operare PC.
- Disponibilitate pentru program full time Luni- Duminica
Descrierea jobului
- Interactionezi cu clientii pe canalele de comunicare Chat si email, telefonic doar in anumite cazuri
- Consiliezi clientii in alegerea serviciilor de travel
- Promovezi serviciile si produsele
- Oferi asistenta pre si post vanzare
- Efectuezi rezervari in sistemele folosite de compania noastra
- Limba poloneza: B2- C1
- Limba engleza: B1-B2
- Siguranta unui venit fix lunar, tichete de masa plus bonusuri in functie de rezultate
- Training-uri de specialitate si teambuildinguri
- Abonament medical privat
- Lucrezi cu o echipa tanara care te va primi cu nerabdare.
Descrierea companiei
We are the team, the most trusted online travel agency in Romania, according to the Mercury Study Research in 2017. We are the biggest and fastest growing online travel agency, servicing business and independent customers with airline tickets, hotel bookings, holiday packages, traveling insurance and rent-a-car services. 9 out of 10 Romanian travelers have heard of, making us the online agency with the highest degree of recognition in the country. Our customers are always happy and very happy with our services because we have a very professional working atmosphere, combined with friendly and warm assistance that makes us irresistible at what we’re doing. In more than 15 years of activity, our only constant drive is the passion for traveling. We changed offices, tech platforms, we evolved from paper plane tickets to electronic ones, from bank transfers to bitcoin payments, but the passion for travel is deep in our DNA. Our team mission is to offer a unique customer experience. The technologies we use, combined with our vision, awarded us with The Most Trusted Online Travel Agency in 2017, The Best Online Booking Website in 2016, Excellent Customer Service 2015 and the Company with the Biggest Growth in Central and Eastern Europe in the last 5 years, in 2013. As an employer brand, we value attributes such as determination, originality, and innovation, hereby maintaining our position as The Number One Online Travel Agency in Romania.