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Controlling Specialist

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Candidatul Ideal

Căutăm un Controlling Specialist pasionat de cifre, analize financiare și procese de raportare. Dacă ai un ochi critic pentru detalii și îți place să contribui la luarea deciziilor strategice prin date relevante și bine structurate, vrem să te cunoaștem!

Ce așteptăm de la tine:
🔹 Studii superioare în Finanțe, Contabilitate, Economie sau domenii conexe
🔹 Experiență anterioară de minimum 2-3 ani într-un rol similar (controlling, analiză financiară, raportare)
🔹 Cunoștințe solide de Excel și ERP-uri financiare (SAP)
🔹 Capacitate analitică și atenție la detalii
🔹 Abilități excelente de comunicare și colaborare
🔹 Cunoașterea limbii engleze la un nivel mediu-avansat

Descrierea jobului

Responsabilitățile tale vor include:
✔️ Elaborarea și monitorizarea bugetelor și forecast-urilor financiare
✔️ Analiza și interpretarea datelor financiare pentru optimizarea performanței companiei
✔️ Sprijinirea procesului decizional prin rapoarte și analize financiare detaliate
✔️ Colaborarea cu echipele de business pentru a asigura alinierea financiară a proiectelor
✔️ Optimizarea fluxurilor financiare și a proceselor de controlling
✔️ Asigurarea conformității cu standardele financiare și de raportare ale companiei

Ce îți oferim:
✨ Un mediu de lucru dinamic într-o companie media de top
✨ Posibilitatea de a lucra hibrid (acasă și la birou)
✨ Oportunități de dezvoltare profesională și training-uri specializate
✨ Pachet salarial competitiv și beneficii atractive

Descrierea companiei

Ringier is based on an impressive history going back almost 180 years and which has been shaped by renewal, innovation and courage. From its early days as a printing company, Ringier has developed into a media and entertainment company while preserving its original values. The company was founded in Zofingen, Switzerland, in 1833. Today some 6,500 employees in 14 countries work for Ringier, of which 3,500 are based in Switzerland. Ringier is carrying print, broadcast, radio, online, mobile media brands, apps, job platforms, e-commerce platforms, horizontal classifieds businesses, and is a successful player in the printing, entertainment and internet business. Ringier is a Swiss family-company with headquarters in Zurich.

Ringier’s Human Resources approach

Autonomy on all levels – one of Ringier’s core values. This is why we seek employees who invest creative energy in their work and appreciate the freedom to implement their projects and daily tasks.

The success of Ringier is due largely to this approach. We employ individuals who think entrepreneurially and are willing to examine innovative ideas. This is of particular importance as the media market is influenced strongly by people and their networks. Our readers, however, also dominate this market. Recently, a strong shift in media use has completely reshaped the media landscape. Ringier has kept pace with these developments – from a printer to a media company that has expanded its channels steadily to evolve into a diversified group. The current strategy is based not only on media but also on digitalization and entertainment. Despite its enormous diversity, the enterprise has a common denominator – its impressive history. For more than a century, the company has been shaped by renewal, innovation and courage.

Why Ringier?

Working at Ringier means working at the cutting edge. Developing and shaping the entertainment and media forms of the future. It also means appreciating the freedom our employees enjoy in implementing their projects and daily tasks. Working together to bring creative ideas and solutions to life and not being discouraged by setbacks.

Our people are open, uncomplicated, flexible and well connected. And they enjoy dealing with a wide range of personalities. Driven by curiosity, change spurs them on.

Be a part of the future of media ​

Future and development

Ringier offers its employees a range of development and on-the-job training opportunities. They are supported in their efforts to recognise new opportunities, try new ideas, work on specific ideas and develop themselves both professionally and personally.

The future belongs to the smart

We support employees with technical expertise in their daily work: to expand their technical knowledge, provide space for inspiration and offer new ideas, and make their work more efficient.

The bigger picture

To those who see the big picture, we provide the space to share their thoughts on different subjects, generate ideas and ensure that our efforts go into enhancing the wheel rather than reinventing it. Ringier offers the opportunity to develop market, to contribute in building the future and to apply innovation-related projects.

Already a professional?

Do you have several years of professional experience and are looking for a new challenge?

Then Ringier is the place for you. The qualifications and skills you need depend on the requirements profile of the position. By the way, we’re not only looking for journalists and creative types in the field of digital media, but also for employees in many other fields of activity. We offer an attractive working environment, and you offer us your innovative ideas. You can view our current openings below.

Publicat 24 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 24 Febr. 2025Expiră 26 Mart. 2025
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