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Candidatul Ideal

The Truth is that Sales People Make Earth Spin !︊︃️︁︍︁︁︈​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎

  • Esti pasionat de vanzari
  • Esti pasionat de tehnica
  • ​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎︊︃️︁︍︁︁︈​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌Lucrezi in domeniul pieselor auto, camioane, utilaje, de ceva timp
  • Vrei sa te alaturi unei organizatii care promoveaza oamenii sai pe merit
  • Care sa aprecieze talentul, pe termen lung
  • Care sa iti asigure un viitor previzibil pentru tine si ai tai

Descrierea jobului
  • identificare piese originale sau aftermarket in diversele programe de piese
  • comunicare cu colegii din vanzari de pe teren
  • comunicare ︁︈︈​︂︅​︇︇​︂︅︁︁︈︈​︂︅​︇︇​︂︅︁︁︀​︂︃︃​︈︃​︀cu clientii
  • vei face oferte de pret, vei raspunde rapid solicitarilor clientilor sau cererilor de oferta primite pe email, telefonic
  • Totul va fi rapid, dinamic, plin de energie.
Asa cum esti si tu :)

Descrierea jobului

Success is about resilience, not perfection.
Your resilience is the strongest weapon.
You’re going to face obstacles, but the key to success isn’t avoiding them—it’s in how you respond to them.

So stay focused on your mission. Don’t let the distractions, the hate, or the setbacks stop you.
Keep building your future, and nothing–nothing–can stop you!

Let's Roll!
Talk to you soon!
And ... Be Great !

Descrierea companiei

Recruiting for Success!

We find the most talented professionals and match them with high paying jobs at great companies.

We seek candidates that are committed to reach their potential and make a conscious effort towards excellence.

Our scope of business is recruitment, training and strategic hr consulting for a wide range of domains.

For business inquiries please write us at:

What problem can we help you solve?

Dictionary "Clinic" definition= General sense of "conference for group instruction in something" is from 1919 is the property of the independent company Team Learning & Consulting SRL RO 16655899 J40/12664/2004

Publicat 28 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 28 Ian. 2025Expiră 4 Febr. 2025
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