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Commercial & corporate legal counsel

1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

Required Education & Work Experience
- Law university degree;
- At least 3 years experience as a lawyer for a reputable law firm or as an in-house legal counsel in a multinational company; background in an IT company would be a plus;
- Overall broad legal knowledge; advanced expertise in intellectual property law, corporate law or public acquisitions represents an advantage;
- Experience in the field of legal assistance and advice, drafting, review and negotiation of contracts.

Skills and competencies
- Strong research and analytical skills;
- Strong communication and organizational skills;
- Fluent English, both writing and speaking;
- Microsoft Word and Excel proficiency;
- High levels of integrity;
- Enthusiastic personality, with a proactive and problem-solving attitude, capable of functioning with minimum guidance;
- Ability and willingness to learn fast and share the knowledge;
- Ability to provide creative legal solutions;
- Detail-oriented, flexible and organized.

Descrierea jobului

- Assist in negotiation of contracts, advise on contract risks, as well as contract compliance and assist in proposing solutions for risks mitigation;
- Provide legal advice and draft legal opinions related to the day-to-day activity of the Company;
- Perform legal research, monitor the changes in the national and EU legislation and inform the interested stakeholders about the most recent changes in legislation and the impact thereof;
- Draft, review and negotiate various documents (such as corporate approvals) related to the day-to-day business of the Company. Maintain and update the Company’s legal files and records;
- Cooperate with other departments within the Company (e.g. Business, Marketing, HR, etc.);
- Represent the Company in front of authorities such as Trade Registry, notaries public, bailiffs etc.

Descrierea companiei

Established in 1994, TotalSoft is one of the most important providers of business software systems (ERP, HCM, CRM and BI) in Central Europe.

TotalSoft is the preferred ERP solutions provider in Romania and one of the top 10 global providers of software solutions for the leasing industry.TotalSoft’s top products, Charisma ERP, Charisma HCM are market leader products in Romania, with relevant references in 8 industries: financial services, retail, distribution, production, construction, agriculture, medical and services.

Currently, TotalSoft has a team of 600 software specialists and projects in 41 countries on 4 continents.

Publicat 9 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 8 Febr. 2025Expiră 8 Febr. 2025
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