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Business Development & Project Manager Contract Logistics

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Candidatul Ideal

Are you a driven, results-oriented professional with a passion for hunting new business in the contract logistics space?
Are you ready to take ownership of your role and thrive autonomously in a dynamic and fast-paced environment?
We are looking for a Business Development Manager to join our team!
In this role, you will be the generator of growth opportunities, leveraging your expertise and network to identify new business opportunities while collaborating with our internal teams to deliver tailored logistics solutions.
  • 4 -5 years professional experience in sales of warehousing & logistics activity;
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Knowledge: Deep understanding of warehousing, transportation, distribution, inventory management, and overall supply chain operations.
  • Contract Logistics Expertise: Ability to create tailored solutions, manage service level agreements (SLAs), and optimize costs for clients.
  • Proven project management skills with an ability to manage workloads efficiently and in a timely manner;
  • Data Analysis: Proficiency in analyzing data to identify inefficiencies, trends, and opportunities for cost savings or operational improvements.
  • Contract Logistics Expertise: Ability to create tailored solutions, manage service level agreements (SLAs), and optimize costs for clients.
  • Time management and working to tight deadlines
Success Factors in This Role
  • Results-Oriented: Sets and achieves ambitious sales and performance goals.
  • Customer Focused: Understands client needs and delivers customized solutions that add value.
  • Proactive: Demonstrates initiative in generating new opportunities and building market presence.
  • Collaborative: Works effectively with internal teams to develop and deliver winning solutions.

Descrierea jobului

  • Opportunity Generation: Identify and develop new business opportunities through market prospecting and building relationships with potential clients.
  • Internal Collaboration: Initiate and coordinate tender and RFQ processes with operations and pricing teams.
  • Solution Presentation: Create and present customized logistics solutions, highlighting the company’s unique strengths.
  • Project Leadership: Oversee the implementation of secured projects, coordinating internal teams and maintaining client relationships throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Market Analysis: Monitor industry trends and identify opportunities to fuel the sales pipeline.
  • Negotiation: Manage contract negotiations and establish terms that are mutually beneficial for the client and the company.
  • Operational Support: Collaborate with the operations team to ensure the smooth implementation of proposed solutions.

Descrierea companiei

Delamode Romania este o companie de top în domeniul serviciilor de logistică şi expeditii de mărfuri în România. Compania a fost înfiinţată în anul 1994 şi are în prezent peste 300 de angajaţi.

Cu facilităţi amplasate strategic si prin reteaua de parteneri în toată Europa, compania noastră oferă servicii complete de supply chain – servicii de transport internaţional în regim de grupaj, încărcări parţiale şi complete, distribuţie internă, transport maritim şi aerian, precum şi soluţii integrate de depozitare şi logistică.

Ne mândrim cu posibilitatea de a oferi servicii personalizate la preţuri competitive, furnizând servicii complete de supply chain în cele mai complexe situaţii. Grupul de Companii Delamode Grupul Delamode este o prezenţă de pionierat în Europa Centrală şi de Est de peste 20 de ani, şi oferă o expertiză unică în transportul internaţional de mărfuri. Grupul Delamode are peste 250 de angajaţi, cu birouri deschise în Estonia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Lituania, Serbia, Republica Moldova şi Marea Britanie.

Notificare GDPR :

Prin trimiterea CV-ului către adresele noastre de înregistrare vă manifestați ACORDUL EXPLICIT pentru procesarea datelor dumneavoastră doar în scopurile impuse prin legislația muncii. În conformitate cu Politica noastră de confidențialitate, DELAMODE ROMANIA prelucrează date cu caracter personal ale candidaților doar în scopuri reglementate prin Codul Muncii sau alte activități pentru care există un temei legal.

Publicat 27 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 3 Febr. 2025Expiră 26 Febr. 2025
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