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Business Development Manager

Smartree HRTECH
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

This role will be responsible for the new business development of the company. The primary objective of the successful candidate ︆will be to establish plans to develop and expand the clients’ base, according to the company sales strategy. Meeting the sales goals by attracting new clients and maintaining excellent customer relationships with them will be essential for this position.

Qualifications / Skills:
  • Act as example in areas of personal character, commitment, selling skills and work habits;
  • Prove effective skills in interacting and negotiating with decision makers at all clients’ levels;
  • Understand industry-specific trends and landscapes;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to communicate effectively with management and cross-functional teams, for both technical and non-technical audiences.

Descrierea jobului

Key Responsabilities:
  • Generating new leads / clients;
  • Provide timely feedback to senior management regarding sales actions progress and performance;
  • Prepare accurate competitive information reports;
  • Participating at different marketing events and organizing workshops.

By applying to this job with your CV (resume), you agree with the processing of the personal data in accordance with the regulations concerning the data and privacy protection of all individuals and the free movement of said data. These data are necessary for the recruitment process. For more information, we invite you to visit our policy referring to the confidentiality of the personal data, available on the Smartree website.

Descrierea companiei

Smartree, unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori pe piata serviciilor de outsourcing de salarizare si administrare de personal, ofera de 21 ani solutii complete pentru managementul strategic al proceselor de resurse umane, aflate intr-o continua evolutie. In prezent, Smartree are peste 90 de angajati in sediul din Bucuresti, dar si in centrele regionale din Craiova, Pitesti si Timisoara.

Avand la baza platforme proprietare de solutii informatice integrate, de ultima generatie, Smartree ofera o gama completa de servicii de externalizare a proceselor de HR, de la salarizare, administrare de personal, recrutare, munca temporara pana la consultanta in domeniu, oferind posibilitatea organizatiilor de a se concentra pe activitatile care aduc plus valoare si le pot sustine cresterea.

Expertiza in cele mai bune practici din industrie dar si know how-ul celor 90 de specialisti in payroll, administrare de personal si recrutare au consolidat in permanenta portofoliul de clienti Smartree, format in majoritate din importante companii multinationale, dar si companii cu capital integral romanesc.

Publicat 2 Dec. 2024Reactualizat 2 Dec. 2024Expiră 1 Ian. 2025
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