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Back-Office Leasing Operational

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Candidatul Ideal

Aptitudini necesare ocuparii postului:
Studii superioare
Limba engleza nivel mediu-avansat
Cunostinte operare PC, in special pachetul Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Excel nivel mediu - avansat

Calitati personale:
Capacitatea de lucru in echipa
Gandire analitica, conceptuala si structurala

Descrierea jobului

  • Organizeaza si gestioneaza documentele departamentului de leasing operational;
  • Mentine corespondenta cu dealerii auto: cereri de oferta, termene de livrare si se asigura de acuratetea informatiilor primite si transmise mai departe;
  • Distribuie ofertele auto catre leasing operational hunting/ farming si orice alte departamente,
  • Asigura relatia dintre departamentul de leasing operational cu celelalte departamente (leasing operational farming, logistica, financiar etc);
  • Preia datele de pe documentele primare si le introduce în sistem;
  • Verifica acuratetea datelor introduse in sistem, cu datele din documentele primare;
  • Salveaza periodic datele introduse şi pastreaza copiile de siguranta ale datelor salvate;
  • Corecteaza erorile intalnite si le raporteaza supervizorului direct, in functie de caz;
  • Intocmeste documentatia necesara contractelor de leasing operational;
  • Introduce in sistem comenzile auto;
  • Introduce in sistem confirmarea dealerilor cu privire la comenzi;
  • Intocmeste analize, rapoarte, conform solicitarii sefului ierarhic;

Descrierea companiei

New Kopel is a business group in full ascension, always searching for new competitive solutions to meet its clients’ more and more demanding needs.

In the midst of times of economical tension, New Kopel Group has maintained its winner attitude, supported by its history and tradition of solid wise investment and has thus consolidated its position on the Romanian market, staying loyal to its development and growth objectives, established at the arrival to Romania, eight years ago.

Focused on speedy reaction, flexibility and developing personalized solutions to help every client improve their business in a constantly growing market, The New Kopel Group places honesty and integrity at the heart of its activity and remains loyal to those values throughout its service offer.

The company is part of The Shlomo Group, one of the largest holding companies in Israel, listed on the Tel Aviv stock exchange.

New Kopel Group is dedicated to providing all car-related answers under one roof, for individuals and companies looking to sell, buy, rent, lease or service any number of cars, old or new. Our integrated automotive solutions are based on innovative value-added services, fair prices and accessible procedures. They are constantly improved to ensure maximum customer, supplier and other partners satisfaction, make the team proud to work here and bring shareholders a healthy profit.

The main strength of The New Kopel Group comes from the capacity to provide a high level of service for competitive prices. That advantage is mainly due to the synergies among the Group’s various activities - operational leasing, car rental, workshop and after sales services, dealership/import of new cars, second hand car sales - through its divisions:

Sixt New Kopel (Operational Leasing & Fleet Management): the company entered the Romanian market in 2005 as the first company to bring operational leasing services and fleet management to Romanian companies, truly a pioneer in the field, providing unique services such as own workshop, replacement cars and bridging cars. Sixt New Kopel owns approx. 5,000 cars for over 200 client-companies.

Sixt Rent a Car: In 2006, New Kopel signed a partnership with The Sixt Group, becoming the exclusive Sixt representative in Romania and providing New Kopel clients with car rental services for both the local and international markets. Today, in its second term of the contract, the combination of professionalism and expertise of the New Kopel and Sixt still affords its clients the best value: the highest service standards for the best prices.

AAA New Kopel (second-hand car sales): Always meeting the market demands, in February 2009 New Kopel Group signed a joint venture with AAA Auto, at the time Europe’s largest second-hand car dealership. In less than one year, AAA New Kopel evolved into one of the most important officially-authorized dealers in this rapidly-expanding market.

In October 2010, The New Kopel Group was chosen by The Opel Group as the first dealer in Europe to be an equity partner in a major dealership in an European capital city. Consequently the group acquired the facility which used to belong to IPSO, former importer of Renault to Romania, and established there the largest dealership in Bucharest.

Following the above acquisitions, The Group is also an authorized workshop facility for Opel, as well as Dacia & Renault, in addition to being and authorized multi-brand workshop, through its Union Motors subsidiary.

Publicat 3 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 3 Mart. 2025Expiră 2 Apr. 2025
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