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Area Sales Manager

2 poziții
Anunț în curs de verificare

Candidatul Ideal

• Up to 5 years of experience in Sales, PREFERABLY in HVAC market and/or electric appliances or A/C appliances-
2-3 years;;
• Technical /Mechanica/ Engineering degree is a plus,
• Familiar with MS-Office-Applications and Excel;
• With reference to the specific channel, it is required specific technical knowledge and previous experience in our field will be considered as a plus;
• The experience, training, and development of the Area Sales Manager should cover abilities like client orientation, negotiation, communication skills as well as training capabilities;
• Accountability, forward-thinking, customer focus, problem-solving and goal orientation, integrity, interpersonal and organizational skills complete the profile;
• Up to 5 years of experience in Sales, PREFERABLY in HVAC market and/or electric appliances or A/C appliances-
2-3 years;
• Technical /Mechanica/ Engineering degree is a plus,
• Familiar with MS-Office-Applications and Excel;
• With reference to the specific channel, it is required specific technical knowledge and previous experience in our field will be considered as a plus;
• The experience, training, and development of the Area Sales Manager should cover abilities like client orientation, negotiation, communication skills as well as training capabilities;
• Accountability, forward-thinking, customer focus, problem-solving and goal orientation, integrity, interpersonal and organizational skills complete the profile.

Descrierea jobului

Job description:
Our Area Sales Manager is responsible for sales of HVAC & Industrial installations systems in the Romanian market, for Bucharest & Constanta region, through different channels (e.g. wholesalers, retailers, installers, DIYs). The role reports hierarchically to the National Sales Director.

Main tasks:
• In coordination with the National Sales Director, establishes the approach for developing a sales network from existing customers but also finding new ones for the range under his responsibility (HVAC & Industrial market);
• Develop business in his area of responsibility by identifying needs and opportunities of the specific market;
• Has to provide support for stakeholders, in special projects including the range of products under his responsibility;
• Has to follow the sales and promotion on region assigned/ territory of the products under his responsibility, together with the support of the Sales team;
• Increase sales volume and turnover in the area of
responsibility; optimize results from ongoing assessment with the objective of creating client loyalty and guaranteeing future sales;
• Offer sales support, regarding the orders and follow up payments of clients;
• Define and implement the area annual sales budget Is expected to be knowledgeable of market and industry trends, competitors, and leading customer strategies;
• He is also responsible for coordinating the specific objectives of the Sales Plan for Systems and Renewable Products.

Descrierea companiei

Fondată în 2013 de Bogdan şi Tudor Panainte, Homplex a evoluat în zece ani de la a fi un simplu distribuitor de termostate şi detectoare de gaz la a fi un producător, furnizor şi integrator de soluţii smarthome şi echipamente inovative pentru industriile de gaz şi de apă. Compania a investit în ultimii cinci ani peste un million de euro pentru a dezvolta şi a oferi pieţei locale soluţii inovatoare de control şi eficienţă energetică la preţuri accesibile şi cu raport optim calitate-preţ. Compania are un portofoliu de peste 1500 de produse, import şi produse proprii. Homplex distribuie produsele atât prin contracte directe cu marii operatori de gaze naturale cât şi prin intermediari, retaileri specializaţi de home&deco. Compania acoperă cereri pe întreg teritoriul României.

Publicat 11 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 11 Febr. 2025Expiră 13 Mart. 2025
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