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Candidatul Ideal

We are seeking a Gameplay Animator to create appealing and engaging creatures and player animations. As the Gameplay Animator, you will collaborate with animators, game designers, artists and engineers to help maintain or develop workflows, and create amazing animation to delight our customers. You’ll use a combination of key frame animation and motion capture techniques to bring characters to life. You will have a broad impact and a lot of discretion.


- Portfolio/demo reel demonstrating thorough understanding of animation theory and technique as applied to 3D human bipedal figures as well as other organic forms. Please provide description of your work per shot.
- Experience in the games industry as an animator or equivalent work in a related field
- Experience with Maya or equivalent 3D Animation package


- Experience working with mocap and key framed animation techniques
- Excellent time management and work discipline.
- Skill in another art-related fields – Illustration, painting, technical art
- Knowledgeable about game industry trends and animation techniques
- Passion for making and playing great games.

Descrierea jobului

At Amazon Games, our ambition is to create bold new experiences that foster community in and around our games. Our team of game industry veterans is developing and publishing live service AAA multiplayer games and developing original IPs, including New World: Aeternum and an upcoming title based on The Lord of the Rings, with our studios and teams in Seattle, Orange County, San Diego, Montreal, and Bucharest. Amazon Games also publishes best-in-class games in close collaboration with developers, leading with Lost Ark from Smilegate RPG, THRONE AND LIBERTY from NCSOFT, and King of Meat from Glowmade, as well as the next major entry in the Tomb Raider series from Crystal Dynamics.

Key job responsibilities
- Work with Animation Team, Art team and Design Team to create in game animations that are incredibly satisfying to play and exciting to watch.
- You’ll use a combination of key frame and motion capture techniques to bring human and creature characters to life.
- Offer and receive criticism and critique equally well to help constantly raise our team’s quality bar.
- Work with our technical artist to define and improve our animation pipeline.
- Help Producers set realistic expectations for animation creation.

Descrierea companiei

At Amazon Games, our ambition is to create bold new experiences that foster community in and around our games. Our team of game industry veterans is developing and publishing live service AAA multiplayer games and developing original IPs, including New World: Aeternum and an upcoming title based on The Lord of the Rings, with our studios and teams in Seattle, Orange County, San Diego, Montreal, and Bucharest. Amazon Games also publishes best-in-class games in close collaboration with developers, leading with Lost Ark from Smilegate RPG, THRONE AND LIBERTY from NCSOFT, and King of Meat from Glowmade, as well as the next major entry in the Tomb Raider series from Crystal Dynamics.
Publicat 7 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 7 Mart. 2025Expiră 6 Apr. 2025
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