Accounts Payable Expert (English Speaker) (233010)
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Candidatul Ideal
- Education / Training: University Degree (Economic studies represent an advantage);
- Professional Experience:
- Minimum 3 years of relevant work experience is required
- Good knowledge.of principles, practices, regulations, processes, and systems as they relate to Accounts Payable
- Knowledge of the application of data processing techniques to accounting systems
- MS Office, SAP (S4U)
- KPI interpretation, basic Knowledge of Audit purpose and the ICS roles
- Languages:
- English, advanced level
- Croatian language (is an advantage)
- Other: Attention to detail, high level of accuracy and very good organizational and communications skills; self-motivated, proactive, people management
Descrierea jobului
- Assure operational continuity in the Team Leader's absence and work to drive process improvements in the Accounts Payable process ︁︈︂︂︃︂︀︉︁︂︉
- Ensure accurate reporting of KPI and ad hoc report for ongoing operations, act as point of escalation for complex issues on process level
- Create ad-hoc reports according to the customer needs, identify training needs and organizes them accordingly and assist the Team Leader in developing team and process strategy
- Monitor the implementation of both existing and new company procedures, assist auditors for the purpose of providing supporting documentation and/or information on internal process that is required for audit
- Perform quality checks for the team and offers feedback, accordingly, work together with the Team Leader to ensure targets and Service Levels are reached
Why will you enjoy being our colleague
- You get more than just a salary: You receive special financial gifts for important events happening in your life: paid days off for marriage, extra free days for sorting out personal matters, a financial amount for the birth of your child, 1st of June & Christmas, 8th of March and the list goes on!
- And the list is not over: annually, we reward your performance with a bonus and if you really shine in your field, you can receive an excellence award
- Because we all have different needs and desires, monthly you will have a benefit budget that offers the possibility to customize the benefits package. You can opt for: meal vouchers, cultural or/and vacation vouchers, financial amount to ease your monthly costs for transportation, work from home allowance, sports subscription and many more
- Our colleagues really enjoy our environment that’s why most of the people recommended by them are now part of our teams. We encourage you to refer your friends and you will be rewarded for it.
- It was never easier to stay healthy and safe with our premium package of medical services within a private medical network (Regina Maria)
- We highly value work-life balance so we start from granting a minimum of 25 days of annual vacation days. And the number increases according to your seniority within the company, so you can already start planning your next dream vacation!
- We provide a hybrid working model and we have flexible working hours so that you can customize as you wish to make the best of your time by combining quiet home office days with collaborative experiences in the office
- Development is a must: You will continue to grow with us and expand your knowledge through workshops, trainings, mentoring programs, team buildings and of course, German language courses
- Depending on your career goals, you can be admitted in a Talent Development Program where you can level up your skills & know-how to support your aspirations. An international assignment in the E.ON Group is also part of your option list
- Aaa, and before wrapping-up...are you a keen reader, the type who cannot help being curious and thirsty for more info from all domains? Then do not hesitate to sign-up for a free Bookster account!
Descrierea companiei
La E.ON Energie România, ne angajăm să creăm un mediu de lucru care valorifică talentul și potențialul fiecărui coleg, susținând atât dezvoltarea profesională, cât și echilibrul între viața personală și cea profesională. Promovăm un spirit de colaborare și inovare, iar prin programe de formare continuă ne asigurăm că fiecare angajat are oportunitatea de a-și dezvolta competențele și de a contribui activ la succesul companiei. Dacă vrei să faci parte dintr-o echipă dedicată și să ai un impact pozitiv în domeniul energetic, te invităm să descoperi oportunitățile noastre de carieră.
E.ON Energie România, parte a Grupului german E.ON, este un furnizor integrat de gaze naturale, electricitate și soluții energetice inovatoare, deservind aproximativ 3,5 milioane de clienți – de la gospodării rezidențiale, la companii și municipalități. Cu o prezență de aproape 2 decenii pe piața românească, E.ON a investit peste 2,3 miliarde de euro în modernizarea infrastructurii, asigurând furnizarea sigură și eficientă a energiei către toți consumatorii săi. Pe lângă investițiile în rețele, contribuțiile la bugetul de stat și la cele locale au depășit 3,4 miliarde de euro, consolidând angajamentul nostru față de dezvoltarea comunităților în care activăm.
- 20 Nov. 2024
Accounting Specialist (with coordination resp.) - Bucuresti