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Accounting Specialist

Vertiv Group Corp
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

  • 3+ years of experience in accounting.
  • Bachelor’s degree in related field
  • General knowledge of taxation
  • Knowledge of US GAAP
  • Proficient in MS Office tools, especially Excel
  • Strong organizational and project management skills
  • Confidence in challenging the status quo; always on the lookout for continuous improvement opportunities.
  • Strong organizational and project management skills
  • Proficient in the English language
  • Good communications skills
  • Experience with Oracle ERP

Descrierea jobului

  • Perform and collaborate in the accounting closing process on a timely manner ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the Financial Statement.
  • Ability to analyze and prepare the journal entries related to P&L and BS accounts, such as accruals, prepayments, capitalizations or other type of corrections.
  • Analyze, correct and prepare monthly Balance Sheet reconciliations and reports related to month and year end
  • Researches and investigates accounting issues as required.
  • Performs and collaborates in the audit process
  • Implements improved activities in order to sustain standardization and efficiency across processes
  • Maintains the US GAAP and SOX Controls principles
  • Pro-active attitude

Descrierea companiei

Who are we? 🌐

At Vertiv, we craft products that power critical technologies 24/7. We pioneered mainframe protection with precision cooling systems and introduced integrated enclosure systems to distributed networks. Our portfolio spans power, thermal, and infrastructure management, complemented by a global network of 250+ service centers.

For more information, please access the link below:

Publicat 5 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 5 Mart. 2025Expiră 4 Apr. 2025
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