4900 - 5700 RON net / lună
650 - 1100 EUR net / lună
Bucharest Technology Internship 2025 - Looking at the Future Accenture
Arhivar Agency for Control of Outstanding Debts
Simigeriile LUCA angajeaza vanzator si lucrator in bucatarie Tinervis Group SRL
Content Moderator with Dutch- Bucharest GENPACT ROMANIA SRL
Online Dealer (Turkish, Portuguese, Greek, German) ONE Recruitment Solutions
Lee Cooper angajeaza asistent vanzari in Orhideea Carrefour MONTECRISTO RETAIL RO
Consultant Relatii Clienti limba germana- locatie Bucuresti VALORIS CENTER
Trainee Inginer (235000) Delgaz Grid S.A.
Agent Vanzari / Reprezentant Vanzari Sisteme de Izolatii BDM SYSTEMS SRL
Lee Cooper angajeaza asistent vanzari in Grand Arena MONTECRISTO RETAIL RO
Customer Service with Hungarian - work from office WNS Global Services
Content Moderator with French- Bucharest GENPACT ROMANIA SRL
Content Moderator with Italian- Bucharest GENPACT ROMANIA SRL
Content Moderator with Russian-Bucharest GENPACT ROMANIA SRL
Referent farmacolog - Farmaciile Catena Farmaciile Catena
Asistent manager FAST CONSTRUCT SRL
Game Presenter Creative Resurse Umane SRL
Agent Servicii Clienti (Call Center Outbound) GLOBAL HR SERVICES S.R.L.
Receptionist - Clinici&Spitale MedLife MedLife
Customer Service with Italian-work from office WNS Global Services
Barista cafenea 5 To Go Universitatea Romano-Americana UNIVERISTATEA ROMANO-AMERICANA
Consultant Vanzari Magnor
Insurance Specialist – Marketplace eMAG
Operator sala jocuri (Entertainment Assistant) Bonus Group
Technical Support Specialist YouGov Shopper Intelligence
Agent turism - productie AEROVACANTE
Receptionist Rustler Property Services RO SRL
Supraveghetor / Ingrijitor copii INTERNATIONAL HOUSE
Lucrator comercial pentru Pizza Hut! Pizza Hut
Trainer educational Robotica Vatra Luminoasa Academia de Robotica
Scoala crupier poker PLATITA (cu angajare) Bet2winmax S.R.L.
Operator Comenzi Magazin Online Escape Sport
Casier / Supraveghetor loc de joaca copii 3000 RON net Rasco Management SRL
Marketing Internship Marriott Hotels
Call Center FAN Courier FAN Courier Express SRL
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