Ideal Candidate
Experience working with 3D CAD software (CATIA skills are an advantage);
Strong mechanical and electrical knowledge;
Experience in plastic materials processing (an advantage);
Advanced English Language skills;
Willingness to travel across Europe.
Job Description
Scheduling tests while considering priorities and testing capacities;
Analyzing test results and proposing solutions to address issues identified during testing;
Preparing test reports following the completion of tests;
Being responsible for completing projects according to the planned schedule and established objectives (performance targets);
Ensuring accurate and timely communication of project-related information to departments accountable for the project's execution;
Executing tests in compliance with standards and norms, ensuring the accuracy of results detailed in test reports presented to other departments;
Maintaining confidentiality of project-related information;
Proposing, developing, and testing competitive and innovative technical solutions for ongoing projects on the company's devices that are already in production.
Company Description
Lugera - The People Republic… entuziaști și diferiți! … întotdeauna de ajutor la momentul potrivit! … pricepuți și prompți! … hmm, aproape că uitam: furnizor de servicii integrate de HR întotdeauna cu zâmbetul pe buze!…
Aceasta este, în câteva cuvinte, echipa Lugera din România. Pentru mai multe detalii, vă așteptăm pe site ( sau la sediile noastre din țară.
Vă mulțumim pentru încredere :)
În București ne găsiți pe Strada Vulturilor 98, clădirea Grawe, P,1,2,3,4, sector 3.
Telefon: +40 (0) 21 3187120, 0800 0800 70.
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